DOCUMENT EXCLUSIVE – Le Figaro publishes the medical certificate of a French singer. Dr. Philippe Siou, which will as of tomorrow morning, Tuesday, December 6, a press conference live from the american Hospital in Paris, was entrusted to our colleagues at RTL that the interprère of Goodbye Marylou would no longer be between life and death.
As indicated in the medical certificate of the French singer as Le Figaro has been able to obtain exclusively for Michel Polnareff suffers from a “pulmonary embolism bilateral committed his prognosis.” The French star has been “hospitalized on 3 December as part of a syndrome infectious treated for a week”. A press conference will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, December 6, at 9am at the american Hospital of Paris. An initiative quite rare at this stage of a hospitalization. In the meantime, Michel Polnareff remains “in intensive care, on oxygen, with respiratory assistance”.
The doctor’s certificate mentioned by his press attaché of the hospitalization of Michel Polnareff “Saturday, December 3, in the context of a syndrome infectious treated for a week”. Questioned by our colleagues from Europe 1, the doctor Siou, who has supported the singer wants to be despite everything a little more reassuring. “There is more between life and death, but if he had not been treated, actually things could have turned out badly, it is still a very common cause of sudden death”, he confided. Before saying that the singer is not totally saved: “”We can not yet pronounce, there was a period, I would say 48 hours. And in 48 hours, we can say that it is totally out of the woods.”

medical Certificate of the american Hospital.
the Age of 72 years, the interpreter of The doll that is not had to cancel the last two concerts of his tour planned for Friday to Paris and Saturday in Nantes. “Saturday morning when he awoke, he was coughing a lot, he had trouble breathing and he had a sharp increase of voltage. It was brought to the hospital at 14H00″, had reported Saturday evening his entourage.
“Michel was suffering from a sinusitis in the beginning of the week, which has turned to bronchitis. It has been seeping to be able to take the stage to Toulouse, Pau and Bordeaux (last week, ed). But Friday morning, he was made major dizziness and voltage drop”, said his press secretary.
according To the information of the Figaro, the singer then suffering from dizziness. Friday, 2 December, he had been forced to cancel at the last moment his the evening concert at the salle Pleyel in Paris. The next day, the interpreter of the Letter to France was hospitalized in emergency at the american hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine. A significant increase in blood pressure, and respiratory failure have forced the artist to remain under medical supervision. The last concert of his tour, scheduled at the Zenith of Nantes, in which it had not occurred in the past 57 years, has had to be cancelled.
a concern many of his fans, the artist’s wife, Danyellah, had taken to give her news on Facebook. The one who shares the life of Michel Polnareff was described as “exhausted”, but “touched by the numerous messages of support”.

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