Monday, October 6, 2014

Ben Affleck defends Islam in full promotion of Gone Girl –

full promo for her new movie Gone Girl (our review here), which comes from cartoning for its opening weekend, Ben Affleck was a guest of the show “Real Time with Bill Maher. ” In this program, several topic were discussed including Islam.

When the writer Sam Harris said “ Islam is currently the generator bad ideas” and “it is the only religion that acts like a mafia ready to kill you if you say the wrong thing, if you draw the wrong pattern, if you write the wrong book “, Ben Affleck literally washed away. He made comments that some American celebrities have come forward to express on the air: “ This is a horrible thing to say. What do you do the more than one billion people who are not fanatics who do not punish women who just want to go to school, eat sandwiches,

say their prayers five times a day and do nothing things that you say that Muslims do. (…) We have killed many more Muslims than Muslims have killed Americans “. Remember, Ben Affleck had already demonstrated quite remarkable shades on the subject with his movie Argo, which won several Oscars.

It is also interesting to note that most of the videos containing these words have been removed from Youtube. The official channel of the show has also released a video of another part of the show. A desire not to release too smart about that do not fit with the current American policy? Yet this is HBO, not Fox …


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