Monday, October 6, 2014

Twin Peaks is back for season 3, it’s confirmed! – Screenrush

After 25 years of waiting, fans of Twin Peaks will be able to see the result of their hit series! David Lynch and Mark Frost made a deal with Showtime to revive the investigation of Dale Cooper agent.

website TVline learned that Showtime had ordered nine episodes for season 3 to create the series Twin Peaks. You this morning announced that the creators of the cult David Lynch and Mark Frost series had tease a possibl back e , now it is officially confirmed including a video announcing the recovery, 25 years later, in 2016.

Lynch and Frost would return to writing all episodes, all made by Lynch. Originally aired on ABC, Twin Peaks will return to a cable channel. This follows from the fact that on Friday, the two creators had simultaneously tweeted the same sentence from the series. This began to create a stir on the internet, and the rumor is confirmed.

25 years later, the actors (some of whom have already announced they will not come back ), have changed, as evidenced by our record What are they now? dedicated to Twin Peaks.


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