Saturday, October 4, 2014

Revelation on the big villain of Star Wars Episode 7? – Cinema

You are accustomed to rumors about Star Wars Episode 7, the most anticipated movie of the Galaxy. Prepare for the rumor about a rumor. Explanation: in August , the Indierevolver site published a photo meant to represent the big bad in Episode 7:

A very blurry photo (literally and figuratively) that obviously not official, and it is assumed that this is an Inquisitor, Sith Jedi hunter who appears in the TV series Star Wars Rebels (which begins broadcasting today in France). And today, the site received a vision of the Force and feels able to reveal hidden under the mask of the villain. That would be Luke Skywalker, the hero of the first trilogy, played by Mark Hamill (back in Episode 7). Luke would have succumbed to the Dark Side of the Force, like his father Anakin became Darth Vader. A twist that would be in the style of the director JJ Abrams and his co-writer Lawrence Kasdan , one of the authors of the famous “I am your father” in The Empire Strikes against .

Okay. But without any confirmation -the total secrecy on the script of Episode 7, all we know is that the film takes place 30 years after the events of Return of the Jedi – this rumor does is now a fantasy fanboy. For example, why is it that Mark Hamill has bothered to grow a beard as seen on stills? We joke.

The output of the Star Wars Episode 7 is still scheduled for 18 December 2015.


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