Saturday, December 6, 2014

Laura Smet: Do not talk to him over Johnny Hallyday – Stars News







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As you know certainly Smet is the daughter of a certain Johnny Hallyday and French actress Nathalie Baye. But today it no longer wants to talk to him about his famous parents. Do not imagine, however, that a family clash just burst and Laura went to war with them! That would please some too ….

Today Laura Smet is determined to dot the “i”. And no, it’s not that girl … she is also an actress who wants to be a little more concerned about his career than his illustrious parents.

“Paris Match” it has also not mince his words, saying: “I can not stand about my parents, it leaves me with the eyes (…) it makes me doubt because I feel I n be that good at it. Well, now, I said it! “.

The message has the merit of being clear. The question is whether the relevant media or not heard the message. And that’s a different story.

About her parents, she clarified, however, that she wanted to show off their eyes so that they are proud of her “I n ‘have not been good at school, so I want to make them

proud, “she has particular added.


Currently showing of the film “Stand up straight”

Laura Smet is currently on show at the film Katia Lewkowicz “Stand up straight” alongside Marina Fois, Noémie Lvovsky. Here is the synopsis ..

Louise, Sam, Lili. Three women who do not know but whose fierce desire for change will make them meet, join, if juxtaposer.C’est Louise’s story that leaves the family laundry to work in a large manufacturing company doll which has pistonnée her lover.
De Lili Miss New Caledonia, which meets a wealthy industrialist.
From Sam, large family mother who decides to take his independence.
There is pressure from their mothers, their sisters, their friends.
There their men disappear. There daughters who watch, imitate.
And there’s the design of this new doll pattern, finally the image of women.
But is this the model that has fit woman or vice versa?



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