The email, dated January 2013, invades the screen, white letters on a black background: “You ask me why I have chosen you. I have not chosen you. You did it. “” You “is Laura Poitras, including author of My Country, My Country, a film about life in Iraq under US occupation. That was in 2006. Since then, the American filmmaker was asked dozens of times at airports. On several occasions, his equipment was confiscated. This message comes to him while working in communications surveillance set up by the NSA, the National Agency of the US security. The sender signs “Citizen Four”: “oven” as the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution, supposed to protect citizens against arbitrary intrusions into their private lives.
The mysterious correspondent rightly said in possession of documents proving the extent of the collection of personal data carried out in great secrecy by the intelligence agency, he works as a consultant. In a few months, the whole world will know his name, his face, Edward Snowden, 30 years old, thin glasses and a goatee chin eaten
Emotion. . The heart of Citizenfour, movie received the Oscar for best documentary in 2015, these are the days of June 2013 during which the whistleblower explains Laura Poitras, journalist Glenn Greenwald policy and Ewen MacAskill Guardian the electronic intelligence programs made by the NSA and GCHQ, its British counterpart. In the camera of a hotel room in Hong Kong, the camera, accurate and empathic, scans the protagonists. A starting of course with Snowden himself – his calm determination, but also its dark circles that are growing as the days, or the emotion that seized during an online conversation with his girlfriend, who knows nothing of this which is being played
In addition to the array of mass espionage. – on a breathtaking scale – practiced by the United States and its close allies, already supported by more one and a half cascade of revelations, the success of Citizenfour lies in its ability to capture, closer to his character, a piece of history being written. In a striking scene, while Snowden, who is about to escape, trying to flatten his unruly locks with hair gel, face fills the TV screen. Outside, the political earthquake is underway
The dull fear of being watched is palpable in every moment. – In a password typed in the guise of a red cloth, or in a long time voltage when an alarm sounds, three times in the corridors of the hotel. She will also be a year later in Moscow, where the former consultant found refuge during a conversation with glazed doodles on paper Greenwald, immune to any microphones. For now, the young man looks at the sky in Hong Kong before handing: “Do not know what will happen in the days, hours, weeks, it’s scary but at the same Time is liberating. “
Indistinguishable. ” What is monitoring, if the control? “ will launch in September 2013 at the European Parliament Jacob Appelbaum, an expert and” hacktivist “mobilized on the analysis of documents provided by the whistleblower. This system of surveillance, monitoring and forecasting, he was one of the cogs and decided, regardless of the price, to make public, Edward Snowden will never extract so radically that when its own future it is indistinguishable. Where all possible – even worse – seem open to it. Chronicles the origins of a global scandal, meticulous presentation of the springs of a machine to spy mad, Citizenfour is above all the story of a rupture, and emancipation. A breakaway.
Citizenfour Document Laura Poitras (1 h 54)

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