Europe 1

A video for “Baby rappers” ultra-violent words and featuring young Sarcelles minor sporting weapons and wads of cash is controversial.
“Get tarpé not [a firecracker in slang, that is to say, a gun, Ed] if you is not got the balls shoot. Well yeah, here it is ruthless, it lights up the mortar you even if it’s not on 14 July. ” The clip is called “first pocheton” [The pocheton here means a bag in which the drug is placed, Ed] and you can see a dozen rappers do there condoning drug trafficking, violence, Money and sex by showing off weapons and wads of cash. A rap video “limit” for? Except that this time, rappers in question are children who are old enough to be in college, even in primary school for some. The video has already been viewed more than 113,000 times on YouTube will be the subject of an investigation, according to Le Parisien .
All the clichés of rap, by 15 years. The clip * five minutes signed “Sarcelleslite” and posted on YouTube in January with “Thirteen K”, was shot in Sarcelles by young people from the neighborhood Lochères. In the outdoor video tour, you can see ten to fifteen pre-teens in tracksuit rapper facing camera, sometimes with a gun in his hand and a wad of cash. The childish, smiling faces and prepubertal voice contrast with the lyrics that promote easy money selling drugs, gratuitous violence and sex. “In the peura [rap, in slang], I let the Cetra [trace] as on the ass to your reuseu [sister]” balance including children.
“Unacceptable” for the mayor of Sarcelles. On Twitter, for 24 hours, some 95 youth are astonished to see i-TV, and BFMTV Le Parisien about the clip “of small Lochères.” The matter came to the ears of François Pupponi, mayor of Sarcelles who do not intend to let go. “That teenagers make music very well Let them do the glorification of violence and crime, it is can not accept that, “he responded on Europe 1. Especially behind, “we are now discovering that adults make money with it,” he says. For the moment, the producer does not respond to media requests.
When asked by Le Parisien, the prosecutor of Pontoise said he agreed should be “carefully watch the clip to determine whether criminal proceedings can be initiated” as to justify crimes, for example.
“is the greatest mimics model guns”
“Much ado about nothing.” Contact by Europe1, a young twenties who lives in the neighborhood of Lochères and considers the clip protagonists as “younger brothers” believes that the political and media hype is completely disproportionate “any this is much ado about nothing in my city, it’s just a hobby. the biggest one imitates with dummy guns and small denominations of 20 euros, “he pleads. For him, the children of “12″ of the clip are “normal kids” and if the video has such an echo “this is the fault of the media.” In his view, it would be better to attack the “professionals” rap that “small”. “Already Sarcelles has a bad reputation,” he regrets.
“Like the suburbs of today.” worrying Inciting hatred or simple “leisure” tweens? For the specialist rap, Olivier Cachin, told Europe 1 “These are kids playing cowboys and Indians”. “This is the image of France today, suburbs today and I think those who are shocked are not those who live in these suburbs, but those who look kind of like a zoo without understanding what is going on “
& gt;. & gt; ALSO READ: “My Niggas” the rap video Inconvenient Compiegne
& gt; & gt; ALSO READ: New York: a rap video turns to murder
* Given the age of the protagonists, Europe1 opted not to air the video on its website.

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