Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Suicide Squad: Jared Leto processing Joker Live … – Screenrush

To be the Joker “Suicide Squad”, Jared Leto has not hesitated to make some sacrifices by getting rid of his long hair and his beard. A makeover online immortalized by David Ayer.

“Something will happen. Tomorrow” warned David Ayer Twitter , referring to the Suicide Squad that actively preparing, which has led many rumors about what the director in store for us. . Then it’s Jared Leto on the same social network, which resulted in the teasing

Therefore, the message was clear: the Oscar winner for Dallas Buyers Club was about to do costumes and make-up tests for the new Joker, who would thus soon to point the tip of his smile on the web. At the time of writing, Batman’s nemesis has not yet shown, but the director made us live the makeover of its live actor, starting with a marked shortening of her hair.

A treatment also suffered by the beard of Jared Leto, to the point that the 43 year-old actor seems to have considerably rejuvenated on the photo of the result posted in the wake of Ayer.

Now remains to await the outcome of events, and a possible first picture of the new Joker, thus succeed those of Cesar Romero,

Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger on the big screen.

Jared Leto will he consolidate the position of the Joker in the Top 5 of the enemies of Batman?

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