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At 29, Julien Gosselin is the youngest of the Avignon Festival . He signs an exceptional show, 2666 adapted from the novel by Chilean Roberto Bolaño. He had already come into the city of the popes, in 2013, The Elementary Particles , Michel Houellebecq, who made event. But this time, it goes even further in the fineness of the reading and the power of the staging of a novel. First, because of scale change: there is no four-hour show, but eleven (including two intermissions). We must hold them, and he does it so well that lets engulfed by time. Then because it attacks a monster of literature, both in its length (1 352 pages in the edition Folio) in his discourse: an exploration of evil at the turn of XXI th century, which Will and premonitory value.
Roberto Bolaño struggled against liver disease when he wrote 2666 . He lived in the Barcelona area with his wife and two young children, to whom he dedicated his book. He hoped a liver transplant; she could not do. He died in 2003 at age 50, after a life rich in adventure. Born in Chile, he lived in Mexico, went through France, Belgium, Italy, Sweden and Germany, before finding his place of refuge in Spain. Long, it has multiplied odd jobs. Still, he wrote. After his disappearance, the family and the editor chose to publish a volume 2666 , Roberto Bolaño had written in five parts, and on which he thought back.
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No matter it leaves an unfinished novel. He had to say what he had to say, and he did, through a story in which we enter through the meeting of four European universities, one French, one Spanish, one Italian and a British woman, bound by passion for a writer whom we know nothing, except that he is German, born in 1920, and he signed under the name of Benno von Archimboldi. The quest university, obsessed with the idea of finding “their” author leads them to Santa Teresa, a fictional city in northern Mexico, to the US border.
this is a story offered by this astonishing scene setting power and issues, aesthetic and reflexive
this city is Ciudad Juarez, where adolescent girls and young women have disappeared by the hundreds, from 1993. Many were found in the desert, raped and tortured. Most worked in maquiladoras , modern slaves in a city at the hands of international groups and drug traffickers. This open-air cemetery occupies a central place in 2666 , the title combines the figure of evil (666) and 2 Millennium underway. But it does not condense the novel, which binds Europe and South America, History of the Second World War to the present day and brings in its motion indescribable crowd of characters.
An alloy of arts
He had to choose, Julien Gosselin did, following the narrative thread of the novel. The five parts, clearly announced, leave no spectator, even those who have not read 2666 on the roadside. All taking place in a particularly successful device (set up by Hubert Colas), which allows to manage through the stories and continents glazed cubes and chairs and sofas so Le Corbusier. According to their movements and fittings, it is in London, Barcelona, Santa Teresa, in a prison, a hotel on the shores of the Baltic, in a bloody castle in Romania …
At this s adds music, omnipresent, which acts as a thread of emotion: it puts the viewer at the heart of the spirit of the party or the current scene. The use of video, too omnipresent and very controlled, going in the same direction. So much for the technical side, combining that only the best theater is able to offer today: an alloy of the narrative arts service. For that is a narrative offered this astonishing scene setting power and issues, aesthetic and reflexive.

Julien Gosselin does not try to play smarter: it captures the essence of the novel of Bolaño, his lucidity and his fierce despair. Yes, evil is there, I show you, but do not expect me to redo the world; beat you with what I say, fight with literature, with yourself. What meets the performance, which misses the humor of Bolaño, in the first part, but faces in the eye that of the crimes, and never deviate from his plan.
There has a surprise in the 2666 : Vincent Macaigne, which is not announced in the distribution, appears, filmed in the role of the only person who claims to have met Benno von Archimboldi. There are also Frédéric Leidgens, who speaks German in a show where we hear of English and Spanish. And there’s troupe Julien Gosselin, his companions of the first hour, with whom he founded the company named If you could lick my heart. That’s exactly what they do, these great and brave Fighters 2666 . They lick our heart to tear it, offering us what often is sought and rarely found: the theater today, speaking about today
in 2666, according Roberto Bolaño. Adapted and Directed by: Julien Gosselin. With Rémi Alexandre, Adama Diop, Joseph Drouet, Eyriey Denis Antoine Ferron, Noémie Glover, Carin Goron Alexander Lecroc Frederick Leidgens, Caroline Mounier, Quesnel Victory Tiphaine Raffier. La Fabrica, 12, 14 and 16 July at 14 hours. Such. : 04-90-14-14-14. 10 € to 49 €. Duration: eleven. Tour 2016: Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe, Paris, 10 September to 16 October; National Theatre of Toulouse, from 26 November to 8 December.

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