While Molotov launches today, we have tested the service during its beta phase. The opportunity for us to tell you more and deliver a first opinion.
It is now several months that the service Molotov made about him. Originally announced for November is finally this July 11 it is scheduled to open. His promise? Organize the supply of content broadcast on TV, in the manner of a catalog of SVOD as CanalPlay or Netflix . Captvty a kind of new generation, with a business model and subject to private copying.
A free offer, subscriptions from 3,99 euros per month
In France this land is already partly occupied by the TV application ISP / operators and MyCanal. To make a difference, Molotov made the choice to offer in the same interface programs the main French channels available in replay, live or who will soon be released. Everything is connected to a recording device “in the cloud” to allow for consultation outside the usual time of the replay.
Three deals without commercials other than the flow channels are offered. The first will offer 10 hours of recording, the content of 35 channels (including those of free DTT) and the ability to view a single stream streaming. The second, at 3.99 euros per month to switch to 100 hours of recording and 4 stream streaming. Finally, the offer “Content” to 9.99 euros adds thirty channels (see details below). We are currently still far from the promised hundred.
rather reasonable rates, although the most expensive subscription must prove a good deal of content to convince. The service will face Canalsat and many exclusives, now drained much of the pay offer on the French market.
From the web and open source to the technical part
Prior to its launch, the team has accelerated the opening of its beta. Via one of our addresses “discrete” we received an invitation. The opportunity for us to make a first point on this service via its macOS applications, Windows (0.7.4 version) and iOS, the only currently available. However, others should arrive quickly (including tvOS).
For lovers of technical details, know that Molotov uses Electron framework. It allows to build cross-platform applications using Chromium, Node.js and the trio HTML5 / CSS / JS. He is known to be the heart of FDI Atom GitHub, or Visual Studio Code, Slack and WordPress customers. However, do not expect a support Chromecast or AirPlay, even if it is announced by the team.
the content protection is provided by the plugin Widevine CDM, already used in Chrome and Firefox. Distribution is done through a NuGet and Squirrel package. A small downloaded file and will retrieve the latest version. The Molotov team seems to have carefully avoided Flash and Silverlight, which are gradually abandoned by other industry players for the benefit of web technologies.
It will be interesting to see if Linux also have its application, or it will have to settle for only the web version. Another question, the choices made for mobile applications.
A simple and effective interface
To connect, a couple email / password enough. At first launch, a panel will display three main features:. Watch, Watch Bookmark and
The latter name refers to the recording of content in one click to read later. This was probably not to do too much “generation VCR” using a term meaning even if the word “Save” might have been more clear to some. Those who have followed the genesis of Molotov will notice besides the indication that this feature “ will be operational by the entry into force of the Law Creating voted June 29 last .” In practice, it was available during our tests, before disappearing during the weekend.
Molotov interface complies with catches that were unveiled. It will fit the size of your screen, but not less than 1024 x 600 pixels. The upper part has a search engine and a menu. In our tests, it was quite light. The information for the user’s account in “My Account” were unavailable. We thus find only a shortcut to the help center, the feedback tool and disconnect.
The yellow menu on the left allows you to browse content while the central part consists almost entirely thumbnail format “poster movie ‘, which facilitates discovery programs with good density. It gives pride to direct actions with a brief information sheet and the reading and recording buttons that appear on hover.
Future programs are distinguished from those in replay by the presence of a small clock. Live programs feature a bar to know their progress. By cons, when the same program is broadcast by different channels, access is not unified. Like Pawn Stars or other such programs? Be careful. Several sheets will be offered as well
If you started playing a program, it will be automatically set aside in your account and displayed in the “Resume play” zone. Five items will be saved and the fifth being deleted when an item is added to the queue. Of course, you also have the option to “bookmark” this program to find him when you wish.
Watch your series without fear of the end of the replay and without commercial surplus
by clicking an item, you will have a fairly listing with a video, a brief summary, the basic information – as the rating CSA – and the actions associated with the program. In the case series or recurring issues, you will see the list of upcoming episodes and those already issued when the replay is available.
sorting Note that is done by release date and not by dialing episodes (when present). We regret not having a choice. But it shows how some channels laugh a little world with their tendency to offer episodes in a totally disorganized:
You can bookmark individual episodes, as well as to set aside all those to come. An interesting point, especially when some channels broadcast their series due to a new episode per week with only 7 days of replay. Enough to miss some if you are not careful.
So when we saw that M6 launched its new series Quantico , we went on the program card . From there, we asked the record episodes ahead to make sure we can watch whenever we seem. A practical device for users, but that might not please the chains.
In fact, besides the loss of control it gives them vis-à-vis their audience, they can say goodbye to multiple advertisements sent upstream from a read-replay within their applications. A device usually quite heavy and poorly thought but relatively lucrative. M6 and TF1 have thus chosen not to propose their offer to replay in some applications as MyCanal outside the box offered by Channel Group.
A thoughtful reader, but fashion appetizers online
While viewing content, you access a drive that occupy most of the screen. The menu will then pass on the right, with two options: view information about the program or the list of those available online
The interface is rather simple and clean.. There are the main features you would expect from such a service: navigating the video, volume management, languages (with support for audio description) and the possibility of early return that is proposed by some channels.
only disappointment: the impossibility for the time to move to the next or previous episode for the series and emissions, as well as the lack of offline mode. Do not wait no more video in 4K quality or crazy if you have fiber. According to our tests, the provided stream is generally between 5 and 8 Mb / s, or between 2.2 and 3.6 GB per hour. It will automatically adjust the quality of your connection.
As a reminder, Netflix announced 3GB per hour for its HD offering, and 7 GB per hour for its offer Ultra HD. Side content delivery, Akamai and Limelight Networks are in the maneuver.
Many opportunities for sorting and discovery
The main navigation features contained several entries. Thus the left menu you first watch live programs, or sort the display by central or string through eight classes. Movies, series, sports, news, documentaries, culture, entertainment and children
the channel list can be modified through two selectors at the bottom of the window (only one of which was used in our tests): TNT channels and the “Molotov extended.” This allows you to add items that are only accessible via the pay offer “Content” to 9.99 euros per month.
then Forgot 35-71 chains, some of which usually proposed so Paying or in bouquets. Most often it is thematic channels: Paris first, Teva, RTL9, AB1, Action, Paramount Channel, TCM, Boing, Boomerang, Disney Channel (+1), Mangas, Hunting & amp; Fishing, History, Science and Life TV, M6 Music, Mezzo, Girondins TV, Golf Channel, etc.
Here is the comparison of what was offered during our tests in both cases.
The Record each chain will consist of three parts: what is currently broadcast, which is (with the possibility of extending the program display the next two weeks) and the replay. Note that some channels do not offer replay yet. In some cases it will come soon, in other it will probably be a bit more complicated (see our analysis).
If you prefer to browse by category, you’ll see a priority which goes live , which will be broadcast in the evening, which is popular on Molotov and many sub categories. We regret by a point against, as often in such services: the lack of advanced filters. You only want to see recent evidence, with or without signage CSA, which will soon no longer available? It is impossible and that’s a shame.
Note that you can directly find your bookmarks, which corresponds to the programs you applied for registration in your storage space. Finally, a feature allows you to follow personalities (actors, directors, writers, entertainers, athletes, etc.) to find the programs associated with them
This last feature also combines the two main advantages of Molotov from the competition: anticipation in disseminating programs, rarely used, and basic personalities that are found more often in VOD services in applications related to the world of TV.
for now, no social feature seems proposed. It is nevertheless possible to indicate that you are recommending content, so it should come fairly quickly.
A good start, but the coming months will be decisive
In the end, Molotov seems so rather keep his promise. The mix of content replay, live or to come is clearly a positive aspect, and the ergonomics of the service is rather successful.
The ability to anticipate recording programs also the strength of the system. With French channels that broadcast series and sometimes no matter how valid only replay for one week, set aside program in an online storage space is more than respectable comfort.
will nevertheless exceed certain legal constraints and the lack of willingness of some groups that increase the barriers for third party services. Applications will also be improved and reach more platforms. Those proposed during the beta phase are still young and we found some crashes and other features missing in our tests. If multiple points of entry and search in general allow to find what one is looking, it will again distinguish whether by offering filters that are not found elsewhere and go to the field where the recommendation Netflix still reigns supreme.
It is in any significant case of the arrival on the market an actor n is neither a TV channel or an operator / ISP . These will have to learn to deal with such services and be inspired for their own solutions. The Molotov team will then continue to thrive and innovate to convince his followers to remain faithful.

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