An octogenarian turned to an art expert to authenticate a drawing in his possession a signed portrait of the hand of Leonardo da Vinci. But before completing its evaluation, the expert has vanished with the good.
It was obviously not the only hope that his portrait of a young black woman, profile, and signed by the hand of Leonardo da Vinci, is indeed a work of the famous Italian master.
the expert who was to authenticate the drawing visibly tipped it rich … and has therefore vanished in nature, the sketch under his arm.
France Bleu Gironde tells an octogenarian Bordeaux, weakened by illness recently told this portrait his father, an antiques dealer in the center of Bordeaux, had sent him. She wanted to authenticate the light of an evaluation to sell it. The expert to whom she addressed began his work but never finished. He has since put his company into liquidation before disappearing.
The old woman has decided to file a complaint. His lawyer believes that the wanted man has abused an elderly lady in order to extort a value of work.
If it was truly a Leonardo da Vinci, the portrait could be worth tens of millions of euros. Another expert consulted before there ten years, however, felt it might rather be a work of Passerotti another Italian painter of the sixteenth century. This could still bring several hundred thousand euros.
But to know how much this old lady could just withdraw, it will now get his hands on this portrait and to evaluate again … this time by a trusted expert.

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