In the columns of the JDD this Sunday, 11 December, he spoke the doubts of the producers of Michel Polnareff as to his state of health. According to them, the current illness of the singer would be a travesty to cancel the last two concerts of his tour, at a lower cost. His physician, Dr. Siou, blamed for having facilitated their admission to the american hospital in Neuilly, denies any manipulation, in our confreres of Paris.
Michel Polnareff would he have lied in order to justify the cancellations of the last two concerts of his tour? The question, posed by the JDD in her column this Sunday, December 11, is now on everyone’s lips.
The artist outside the norm of 72 years, admitted from 3 December at the american hospital in Neuilly, would play the comedy, according to its producers, to ” to legitimize the cancellation of two concerts “. The economic losses, estimated at € 500 000 by the company Gilbert Coullier Productions, and the uncertainty surrounding this admission to the hospital, have led its producers to enter their lawyers and start a legal battle.
The agent of Michel Polnareff gave the point of view of the artist, exclusively He describes the “punishment” felt by theAdmiral, and the question arises:
” Why does he (editor’s Note: the producer) in case the health bulletins published by professor Siou of the American hospital of Neuilly (editor’s Note: where is cared for currently the singer). It is absolutely not possible that a hospital such as the U.s. can challenge its reputation by issuing false medical reports. Let’s get back to reality… “
Cited in the article of the JDD, the doctor of Michel Polnareff, the Doctor Siou, was also justified to our fellow-members of the Parisian. According to him, the singer suffered a pulmonary embolism. He refutes any complacency with the one who is now his patient.
“I am not the friend of Michel Polnareff, I’m a doctor, a technician, a practitioner. He has been the victim of a pulmonary embolism and his prognosis was engaged. I made an official written declaration last Monday that I will work for, but also urges the hôpîtal on the basis of full reviews. I have no qualms. When an expert is appointed, he will notice on the radio that his pulmonary vessels were completely clogged. The hospital works with a system in america, very legalistic, where everything we do is logged. I am responsible for this file, but I’m not alone in having supported Michel Polnareff.”
Regarding the drinking and alleged Michel Polnareff mentioned in the article of the JDD, the doctor is formal. ” He was not drunk when he arrived, not even soaked, it was just very bad. “
” I was warned even before taking charge of Saturday Michel Polnareff : “Attention, this is a scam”. And I was threatened: “We will make you a trial.” I can tell you that I have been doubly vigilant, that I looked even more closely at the state of his health. I would have challenged if I had had the slightest doubt. (…) I have made a balance in the liver, which concluded that it was totally fasting. If it’d been cooked the day before and even Thursday night, there would have been a track on the exams. And this is not the case, they are formally negative. Anyway, a drunk has never led to a pulmonary embolism.”
As the agent of the star, he describes a Michel Polnareff deeply affected by the turn of events. It is after him “mentally stressed ” or “completely traumatized.” by his illness, and by the accusations that aim.
Photo Credits: Agence / Bestimage

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