What happened to the singer cancel the last two dates of his tour ? “Vital prognosis engaged” according to a medical certificate dated 5 December, tweet humorous of the principal on December 8,… Of inconsistencies thrown the disorder on the place of the event.
This is a Michel Polnareff the “sick person” who had cancelled the concert on Friday 2 December at the salle Pleyel. Taken from “vertigo”, the artist 72-year-old announced to his fans via a video on the social network Facebook that it would not happen in the room in paris. The next day, Saturday December 3, same player shoot again: the singer, admitted to the emergency ward at the american hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine (92) to a “respiratory insufficiency”, was forced to cancel his concert at the Zénith de Nantes, last date of his tour.
Evolution of the state of health of the singer
Since then, the information on the state of his health have continued to vary. On Monday, 5 December, the singer is announced between life and death: a status attested to by his doctor, Dr. Siou, who has provided a medical certificate referring to “a pulmonary embolism bilateral engage the vital prognosis. On 8 December, Michel Polnareff is, according to Fabien Lecoeuvre his press secretary, “healing”, and the artist proves its better to be in a fun way on Twitter to comment on his “stories of Q”.
On December 9, Danyellah, the companion of the singer, relativizes the good news stating that her husband is still “under oxygen”. Finally, on Saturday 10 December, the Twitter account of Michel Polnareff is powered by Danyellah by posting articles that promote the dissemination of a report on the hospitalization of the singer in the framework of the program 50 minutes Inside, on the French channel TF1.
grey Areas and inconsistencies in the narrative: the JDD questions
Surprised by the communication around the state of health of the artist of 72 years, the journalist Renaud Revel published this Sunday in JDD an investigation of the events of these last days. According to the weekly, on Thursday, December 1st, the eve of the upcoming concert at salle Pleyel, paris, Michel Polnareff was certainly sick (a “sinusitis persistent neat to antibiotics” is reminiscent of the log), but obviously still in shape. That evening, after having ordered “several cocktails in a row”, the artist has dinner with his press attaché: “The meal is if watered in the late evening, the artist is taken of dizziness, and collapses on the table,” according to JDD which also states that the body guard had to help the man in his seventies to reach his hotel room to go to bed. The next day, Friday, 2 December, Michel Polnareff is “in great shape” to wake her up around 13: 00, according to the observations of the cust ody of the body. However, in the afternoon, the artist was reported to have announced to his producer, Gilbert Coullier that he no longer wanted to sing, “weary from his long tour”. It was followed by the announcement on Facebook of the principal, cancelling his attendance at the salle Pleyel, the same evening.
And while fans were critical of this deprogramming, and was concerned about the state of health of their idol, it was… at the bar of his hotel “to order a few drinks” for a score of 362€. JDD explains that the producers have also requested a bailiff to certify formally the presence of Michel Polnareff on-site. Later, in the evening of Friday 2 December, the singer would have sought a physician who has provided you with a prescription, but without a work stoppage. Finally, on Saturday December 3, Michel Polnareff would have indicated a wish to ensure his ultimate time in Nantes… before finally retracting. It is during the day on Saturday that his admission at the american hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine was provided.
The producer and the press oppose
The ads alarming on the state of health of Michel Polnareff, therefore, may have “served to legitimize the cancellation of two concerts,” according to the Sunday Newspaper, a version strongly denied by the doctor of the singer Dr Philippe Siou. “I’m right in my boots,” said Philippe Siou to the AFP. “I have been purely factual, I reviews, scanners where you see blood clots in his lungs”. And to add: “people who say ‘It’s nothing’ come to see it. From a magistrate to enter a legal expert and that the expert in justice to come into our hospital, they will be out the folder”. Questioned finally on the assumption of an impregnation alcoholic, the doctor points out that the liver function tests done at the entrance of the singer in the hospital was “strictly normal”. About Fabien Lecoeuvre, press secretary of the singer since the age of twelve, he commented on this Sunday with the AFP: “I a m surprised at this denial. A pulmonary embolism can not be invented”.

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