The interpreter “The Doll that is not”, who had to cancel, this weekend the last two concerts of his tour to the suite of respiratory problems, “not” between life and death, ” said his physician, Dr. Philippe Siou on RTL. the “The news is encouraging, to the extent where a diagnosis has been made [...]. In 48 hours, we can say that it is totally out of business”, he added about the singer has been hospitalized since the afternoon of 3 December.
In a medical certificate signed by his own hand, transmitted in the day of 5 December to the AFP by the press of Michel Polnareff, the doctor wrote that “the exams performed during hospitalization revealed a pulmonary embolism bilateral that engages his prognosis.” We could read that the singer had been hospitalized “in the context of a syndrome infectious treated for a week”.
what is a pulmonary embolism ?
pulmonary embolism is a blockage by a clot from a blood vessel supplying the lung. A small mass of coagulated blood, a thrombus, originates in the venous circulation, most often during a phlebitis in the lower limbs. This clot can then break off and migrate up to block one or more branches of a blood vessel. Depending on the size and number of clots, the land that is not irrigated will be more or less extended. If the pulmonary embolism is bilateral, as in the Michel Polnareff, the two lungs are not properly irrigated by the blood flow.
the circulation of The blood being disturbed, the heart will compensate and pump more and harder. It will be exhausting to the point of no longer being able to fulfil its role. It is heart failure, which can lead to a stop of the heart.
The causes of a pulmonary embolism can be varied. In addition to the people who have already had a phlebitis, individuals venous insufficiency, pregnant women or overweight people have a higher risk of suffering a pulmonary embolism. Some treatments contraceptives may also make the blood thicker and promote the occurrence of blood clots. But pulmonary embolism can also occur in case of prolonged immobilization, following prolonged bed rest or a long haul flight.
According to the paramedic Gérald Kierzek, when asked about the tea’s Health Magazine, “the symptoms are very variable. Of the simple pain, to the point type from side to side, respiratory distress, major. Everything can be see. The most common signs are difficulty breathing related to the degree of pulmonary involvement, pain in the chest, spitting of blood, signs of suffering cardiac (tachycardia, malaise, voltage drop, etc.). signs that require a medical consultation in the shortest possible time.
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