The ads alarming on the state of health of Michel Polnareff last week would have been… a bluff to cancel his concerts ? This is the question that was raised yesterday in the Sunday Newspaper. The weekly says that on the day of the cancellation of the last two stages of his tour (Nantes and Paris), on 2 December last year, Michel Polnareff has been seen at the bar of his hotel, where he left a sum of 362 euros.
Attacked by its producer, defended by his doctor
The producer of his tour, Gilbert Coullier, dissatisfied, would be to contact the lawyer Michel Polnareff to request an explanation. On December 3, the singer had made a volte-face and said he was ready to leave in the afternoon for his concert in Nantes, before calling his physician, dr. Philippe Siou, who had finally decided to place him in observation for the weekend. According to the JDD, the company Gilbert Coullier has seized its lawyers about the two concerts cancelled, or a sum of 500 000 euros. The latter confirmed that a procedure was committed.
Dr. Philippe Siou, which was announced Tuesday, a pulmonary embolism bilateral involving the prognosis of the singer, denies formally the version of the journal. “I’m right in my boots. I have reviews, scanners where you see blood clots in his lungs. From a magistrate to enter a legal expert and that the expert in justice to come into our hospital, they will be out the folder “. Questioned on the assumption of an impregnation alcoholic, the doctor said that the liver function tests done at the entrance of the singer in the hospital was strictly normal. The press officer of Michel Polnareff responded : “Since the beginning, Gilbert Coullier does not accept the embolism pulmonary Polnareff [...] would it not have paid for the insurance policy ? “
Michel Polnareff, who has been chained almost 70 concerts since the spring, have been the victim in the beginning of last week, a sinusitis that turned into bronchitis.

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