The Belgian said not to have the urge to go on stage for some years to come. He wishes to remain in the shadow to devote himself to other projects, and other creations.
For Stromae, singing is more formidable. In an interview to Inrocks this week, the singer recognizes that it wanted to take its distances with the scene and remain in the shadows for some time.
“Sing, I don’t want. But the music, I don’t stop to do [...]. I want to write, to compose, but a little more in the shade. To continue the work it has already done for me, but do it for others. This is the line for the next few years”, he admits in the pages of the weekly.
It must be said that the Belgian prefers to devote himself to other activities for the time being. Recently, he went behind the camera to co-direct the clip of the song Coward by Yael Naim: “I’ve heard there about a year and a half, and I cried immediately. I said in an interview, Yael knew, and she asked me if I wanted to make the clip[...]“.
Is it a holiday?, the polls the weekly, now that it is out of the character of Stromae. No. He prefers to have a healthier lifestyle. If not, a existence less hectic. After the success of the album Square Root (2 million sales), a tour marked by a number of health problems and the controversy engendered by the coverage of the shocking Charlie Hebdo, this great distressed simply wanted to take a step back.
For the anecdote, this announcement comes two months after the publication of a book imagining his death last October, written by the journalist Thierry Coljon. Fiction, in short. It is still the case that in the interview given to Inrocks, the Belgian is not credited under his stage name (except on the cover of the journal), but under the name Paul Van Haver, his or her true civil status. A symbolic death of the artist?

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