It looks like Toy Story, but, be careful, it has nothing to do. If you do not want to find yourself having to explain to your twelve-year-old why a sausage of the banana when she slips in a bun, do not go there, or not with him. And if he want to see the film everyone is talking about at recess, then it is better that it is not accompanied by his grand-mother…
The object in question, it is Sausage party, a movie generated image, forbidden, and this is not commonplace, at least 12 years of age. His script, written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, writers of comedies like This is the end, a parody of the films of revelation, or even The Interview, the film that was not at all appreciated Kim Jong-un, tells of the adventures of supermarket products that they discover with horror the fate that is promised in the kitchen after their purchase.
This time, it is not the dictator of korea, which is incensed. This is the Manif for all, which has led the charge on the social network. On Twitter, an account which is hostile to the law on the opening of marriage to same-sex couples echoes the post Facebook from a mother telling the nightmare of his session with his children : a viewer outraged screaming ” this is a scandal “, the father is obligated to cover the children’s eyes in horror as the youngest begins to cry, especially in front of “the nail of the spectacle :” a scene of rare violence for an animated film : in effect, it is a scene of an orgy !, that is for two or three minutes and it is very explicit and extremely vulgar.” Note that this mother, her husband and their two teenagers stayed until the end in front of this show as ” decadent “.
no one under 17 years of age in the USA
what is the tragic misunderstanding of this family is found in front of this joyful orgy during which hot dogs, bananas, tacos and other chewing gum send in the air in all positions ? Mystery, because the prohibition to under 12 years of age should have put the flea in the ear. In the United States, it is also forbidden to under 17 years of age. A title of glory to Seth Rogen, who admits in Rolling Stone that this was his objective.
Another hint : it is Cyril Hanouna that double the sausage of the film ! For this family, this should be the equivalent of a “do not… Last clue, still, at least for this mom : Inrocks – among others – have loved :” It is the human condition that is being swept between two jokes scatos and rantings of tacos, of its desire to its control mechanisms, its great narratives coercive in its strategies of liberation, recent focus in an ultimate sequence of the anthology in which it will be remembered, a very long time, such as "the orgy anticonsumériste of consumer products". “
A film sexist ?
On Twitter, the anti-sausage revolt that the film may be forbidden to under 12 years of age. In fact, one can be surprised, because it is likely that the political charge that contains this apparent pochade going to be light years ahead of the head of a boy of 13 years…
others, including a internet site, pseudo-feminist, see, more amazing, a film gender where ” sex was not consented to appear as a practice totally out there and fun “. And to be shocked of the two scenes of ” rape “. The first shows a pear-enema violating a briquette of fruit juice (if if !). Glaucous or drôlissime, it depends, but condoning rape, no. The pear-enema is the villain of the film. It is vile and without the slightest ambiguity.
The other scene, which is denounced by this site is located in the famous orgy. A dehydrated soup of dark color overlaps with a box of crackers, exclaiming in ecstasy : “Take this, bitchy bitch ! Like pouncing your ass, cracker ! “A game of words, according to the site, because the term cracker means in slang american the “little Whites” of the southern United States. For the site, this piece of the moment makes an apology to a rape racist : it is a Black that violates a White and humiliates him. It is the only one to have thus interpreted : in the fireworks of sexual intercourse that is this final scene, there is nothing to indicate that the box of crackers is a non-consenting… As for the game of words untranslatable, the French version… has not been translated.
A call to reconciliation between peoples
Racist, Sausage party ? For Buzzfeed, on the contrary, the orgy finale of Sausage party is ” a tribute to diversity “. Attention, no otherworldliness. The article even reaches the mom is traumatized : “Yes, this scene is shocking – even if it comes to cartoons, we have rarely seen something as explicit at the cinema “, one can read. But, adds the author, each product-character refers to stereotypes : the taco, the mexican, the bagel is jewish, the pita palestinian… : “When the food began to all sleep together, all barriers, all their ideas and all their differences fall away, leaving in its place love (and lots of sex, so). [...] This is not a scene of ass : it is a call to reconciliation between peoples. “It is perhaps precisely this that the strange site pseudo-feminist – but, if one examines more closely, racist* – has not supported.
The most strange of the matter is that this feast with sausage, winks, and sense of humor is very american, almost never go out on the screens French. The films signed Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg to walk rather badly in France (just over 36 000 entries for The Interview, in spite of the buzz). Sausage party has made an “oven” in Belgium. In France, thanks to the loud screams of the Manif for all, it may well provide a result that is honourable, or even, as in the United States, hit the jackpot.
* The site denounces the governmental campaigns against harassment on public transport, which miss their target by staging men “well-behaved” : “Mokhtar (sic) not shy for a penny and for once really painful, will not even look on such displays. “So that Augustine will refrain from we give flowers because of this” self-censorship typical of the middle class white France “.

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