It didn’t take long to see the clan Polnareff make a common front to face accusations of Gilbert Coullier. For the latter, Polnareff goes to the movies : it has canceled its last two concerts by whim, the producer based his allegations on bailiff report, which describes a singer sipping cocktails in the bar of his hotel on Friday evening, while his fans were waiting at the salle Pleyel… A situation that does not stick, according Coullier, with the emergency hospitalization 24 hours later at the american hospital in Neuilly, to such an extent that the producer reserves the right to alert the council of the College of physicians on this matter.
The doctor defends his honor
” I’m not the friend of Michel Polnareff, I’m a doctor, a technician, a practitioner, responded as early as Sunday, the doctor Siou in the columns of the Paris. He has been the victim of a pulmonary embolism and his prognosis was engaged. I made an official written declaration last Monday that I will, but go to the hospital on the basis of full reviews. I have no qualms. When an expert is appointed, he will notice on the radio that his pulmonary vessels were completely clogged. “
Philippe Siou, accustomed to treat the stars, recalls that the hospital operates in the u.s., according to methods which are very ” legalistic “. He also said that even before the support of Polnareff, he would have received threats : he would have suggested that it was a scam and that it could be the subject of a lawsuit. “I can tell you that I have been doubly vigilant, that I looked even more closely at the state of his health. I would have challenged if I had had the slightest doubt. “
A doctor rather than a bailiff
on Monday morning, it is the turn of agent Polnareff to counter the attacks of the producer, Gilbert Coullier. “I don’t see the american hospital in Neuilly making false certificates, said Fabien Lecœuvre at the micro Europe 1. How Gilbert Coullier may at this point be mistaken, and be convinced that it is a quirk of star ? ” he asked. “Is that an artist is capable of sabotaging his own tour ? No. Gilbert Coullier denies the disease of Michel Polnareff ! “Before adding :” For a producer, I think the first reflex is not to send a bailiff when a singer is sick, it is mostly to send a doctor. “
Imbroglio in the insurance ?
at Stake for this procedure : a shortfall of 500 000 euros, according to the JDD,, which corresponds to the cancellation of the last two dates of the singer. “If a show is cancelled, there are insurance : the medical insurance gets in touch with the singer. There, for ten days, this is radio silence, ” notes Fabien Lecoeuvre, always on Europe 1. “There is something that mourn,” continued the agent of the singer. Would it not have paid the insurance policies ? It may be insured the show, but not the artist. There is a mystery… “
In the meantime, Michel Polnareff is still under close surveillance at the american hospital in Neuilly, to prevent any intrusion, especially that of the paparazzi. His wife Danyellah has also testified this weekend in front of the cameras 50 min Inside, on TF1, to tell how she had been worried for him. “It is so given by putting his health in danger without knowing it…” Everywhere the same message : Polnareff has experienced the worst, it gets better, nothing to do with a quirk… which is not the opinion of the opposing party, who notes many of the inconsistencies. The legal battle begins.

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