If you just follow the promotional campaign around Suicide Squad – which began there more than a year – you may have noticed that it has have taken a turn 180 ° to weeks of theatrical release. To believe the first trailer, the tone was dark, but solar mesmerizing. A year later, with the fireworks that represented the latest trailer from Comic Con, Suicide Squad took color (very bright and pastel) to become a cool entertainment possible, strand psychedelic, carried by an explosive soundtrack. We had to attract as many people as possible …
Among the changes made, there is a concerning the character of Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) who questioned observers. Indeed, the sexy psychopath is one of the strengths of Suicide Squad . Besides the Joker Jared Leto, where the media have largely put the spotlight, Harley Quinn is ramping up gradually as the trailers were linked. And with that will be increasingly cool, the character has also evolved. Initially, there was the scary prisoner who enjoyed hanging from bed linen, and in the end there is the sexy bomb whose short shorts with red and blue glitter has spilled ink. According to the Australian actress who portrays Harley Quinn “ wearing mini shorts because it is fun and bright .” And “ not because she wants the guy watching his ass .” Except that here, this short changed in size between two trailers, showing more flesh in the second as the first. So inevitably, behind such has something to climb the thermometer is good for promotion. For some, like Bleeding Cool , there is someone at Warner that was paid for photoshoper mini shorts Margot Robbie and makes it even sexier. For other observers, such as Vanity Fair, is “ a shocking sexism .” We’ll let you judge …

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