a Columnist in Laurent Ruquier in One is not lying in two seasons, Léa Salamé has left its place back to Vanessa Burggraf to be able to develop its own program, called Amazing ! .
Launched on Wednesday 28 September at 22: 40, this cultural magazine produced by Bangumi (the company of Yann Barthes and Laurent Good) and proposed weekly wants to be ” modern, accessible, addicting, and sometimes insolent “. Viewers will be able to discover great news stories, interviews and topics announced as “original and amazing ” as “the brigade of The stup” by Loïc Prigent.
This new season promises to be intense for Léa Salamé, always present on France Inter every morning for his interview of 7: 50. In fact, in addition to , the reporter also acts alongside David Pujadas in The issuance policy of which the first was broadcast on September 15.
full Summary of the issue # 1 of Amazing ! on France 2
Amazing ! had a dream
… goodbye Alain Delon in the palace of the Cheetah, one of the greatest films in the history of cinema. 53 years after, he agreed to return to the Palace Gangi in Palermo, where Luchino Visconti shot the legendary scene of the ball. Alain Delon speaks of Visconti, women, politics, and the passing of time.
Her name is Maja Hoffmann, she’s a billionaire, and she has only one idea in mind : to make of Arles the capital of the world Art…
Nobody resists to it : neither the architect Frank Gehry, or the choreographer Benjamin Millepied, or even the president of the Republic, François Hollande. Behind-the-scenes of a crazy project !
Can you buy a color ?
Yes ! meets the artist Anish Kapoor who has acquired the deepest black, Vantablack. The art world is furibard : investigation on the controversy around the man who wanted to buy the ” Black “…
The Brigade Stup
How Richard Avedon is it past the status of a fashion photographer to icon absolute ? How did his work influence-does he still have the artists of today ? It is that we tell the boss of the Brigade, Stup, Loïc Prigent…
Trump is it an art object ?
Pushing as much as it is fascinating, Donald Trump inspires artists almost as much as Barack Obama ! Represented in mogul, turd or with a micro penis, works on Trump is above all political. From New York to Las Vegas, we have encountered artists who are Trump…

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