Viggo Mortensen in Captain Fantastic Matt Ross – Universum film / Erik Simkins / Bleecker Street / Mars films

Stanley Tucci,
 And Todd Solondz
 Matt Ross (at least) two things in common: All three made independent films in the US and all three are present
 American Film Festival of Deauville. “The notion of” independent “longer means much. It has become a generic term for all films addressing topics for adults, “says 20 Minutes Stanley Tucci, comedian, who signed including The Big Night ( 1996) and The impostors (1998)

& gt;. & gt; Read also: “Matt Damon is the best player in the world,” says Stanley Tucci at Deauville

A difficult public to convince

Todd Solondz, who presented the strong uplifting Dachshund (out September 19) in competition, is not really more optimistic. “It took four years to find funding because my very black humor struggling to find its