This is a message, rather surprising to Rihanna. In a tweet posted Thursday night, the singer of Barbados speaks to François Hollande. She asks if he “has seen his letter, indicating that it is waiting for a response. “We need your leadership,” she says.
But what Rihanna can she want to talk with François Hollande? Fund to Unicef, “Education Cannot Wait”, whose objective is to provide access to education to millions of children from countries in crisis.
Justin Trudeau contacted by Rihanna
But the head of State is not the only one to maintain a relationship through correspondence with the world star. In early September, Rihanna had also called Justin Trudeau, the Prime minister of Canada, to “change things”.
A big benefit concert, bringing together Rihanna, but also Kendrick Lamar, Demi Lovato, Major Lazer, Metallica, Chris Martin, Usher, Ellie Goulding, Yandel, Yusuf / Cat Stevens in Central Park, Saturday, September 24.

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