Virtually all big names in the literary season, with the notable exception of Serge Joncour, included in the first selection of the Goncourt Academy, which opened Tuesday literary awards season
AFP / File
Almost all the big names in the literary season are in the first selections of the Goncourt and Renaudot who opened Tuesday’s season literary prizes.
Six writers are both in the list prepared by the Goncourt and the Renaudot jury.
the Goncourt academy has selected 16 novelists while the Renaudot retained 18 novelists and six essayists, including the historian Ivan Jablonka, also vying for the Goncourt, the most prestigious French literary prize.
All the great names of school are present. Besides Ivan Jablonka, five novelists have the chance to appear in both selections. These are Catherine Cusset ( “The other was worshiped”, Gallimard), Yasmina Reza ( “Babylon”, Flammarion), Régis Jauffret ( “Cannibal”, Seuil), the first-time novelist Frédéric Gros ( “Possessed”, Albin Michel) and Leila Slimani ( “sweet Song”, Gallimard).
The Goncourt also include selected Karine Tuil ( “carelessness,” Gallimard), Laurent Mauvignier ( “Continue” Midnight) and Jean -Paul Dubois ( “succession” L’Olivier) while the Renaudot selected including Adelaide de Clermont-Tonnerre ( “the last of us”, Grasset) also up for the award Landerneau and Simon Liberati ( “California Girls” Grasset).
Only Serge Joncour, whose book “rest on me” (Flammarion), was hailed by critics is absent selecting Goncourt and Renaudot.
a rising star of the French rap scene, the songwriter Gaël Faye, already rewarded by the price of Fnac novel, appears in the pick of the Goncourt for his first novel “Little Country” (Grasset).
Among the other surprises we find magyd cherfi, a member of the music group Zebda, which is also nominated for the Goncourt with “My part of Gaul” (Actes Sud).
Winner of the booksellers of the city of Nancy, Jean-Baptiste Del Amo is in the selection of the Goncourt for “Animal Kingdom” (Gallimard), a great novel about the drift of fierce humanity to dominate nature.
In the past three years, the winner of the Nancy booksellers received the Goncourt. Questioned by AFP about this phenomenon, the writer Philippe Claudel, one of the ten members of the jury Goncourt, feigned surprise. “Oh! Really?” Said he said with a smile.
A total of 560 novels, including 363 French novels began in recent weeks to fill bookstore shelves.
a boon for publishers
the return of novels reached juries literary awards in June. Philippe Claudel indicates reading “a hundred”. The ten members of the Goncourt Academy, two “new”, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt and Virginie Despentes, will meet again on 4 and 27 October before putting their prices on 3 November.
books selected by the jury of the Goncourt (except those of Catherine Cusset and Luke Lang already winners in the past of the Goncourt school students) are also vying for the Goncourt school students, a price that has taken over time importance more and more.
the 10 jurors Renaudot must still meet twice before the award ceremony on November 3 at dates to be determined.
The Prix Femina will be awarded on 25 October, the Grand Prize novel by the French Academy on 27 October and 2 November Medici price.
Receiving an award remains a bargain for publishers. An award-winning novel means commercial success.
According to research firm GfK on sales of award-winning books between 2010 and 2014, a Goncourt sells an average of 395,000 copies. The Goncourt high school students exceeds 330,000 copies, the Grand Prize novel by the French Academy sold over 220,000 copies and 200,000 copies Renaudot is approaching.

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