POLL A survey Ispos for “Télé Cable Sat” examines the relationship of viewers to political programming…
One-third of the French (31 %) do not follow the political broadcasts, but a quarter (25 %) look at them often. This is what emerges from the survey, Ispos conducted on a representative sample of 1.088 people to Tv Cable Sat. The magazine for tv, which will publish the complete results in its upcoming edition on Monday, has sought to know what the viewers French thought of the journalists.
thus, One discovers that Jean-Jacques Bourdin is the most impertinent in the eyes of 30 % of the respondents. He is ahead of Laurent Ruquier and Yann Barthes, ex aequo with 27 % of citations. Léa Salamé, fourth with 21 %, is the first journalist woman mentioned. It is far ahead of Laurence Ferrari, Ruth Elkrief, and Caroline Roux, which obtain, respectively, 10 %, 6 % and 4% of the vote. However, note the Cable Tv, Sat, Léa Salamé is trusted by the most ardent of viewers to political programming : 47 % see it as the most impertinent.
Side credibility, it is David Pujadas, particularly popular with women and older, who won with 37% of the vote. The journalist of France 2 ahead of Jean-Jacques Bourdin (31 %), and Gilles Birch (20 %). Laurence Ferrari (19 %) and Ruth Elkrief (17 %) round out the Top 5. It is to be noted that, if one takes into account that the addicted to politics, Caroline Roux, ranked third in the list of the most credible, with 25 % of citations in its favour.
Yann Barthes, himself, arrives at the head of the journalists, the most cheeky among the less than 35 years. According to the survey, two-thirds of the French (68 %) believe that the comedy programs such as Daily do décrédibilisent not the policy. But for 56 % of the individuals surveyed, the politicians are wrong to participate in entertainment programming. What prompt some to rethink their ambitions intimate ?
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