“Zapping” on Canal+ – Screenshot Canal+

Zapped by Vincent Bolloré, after 27 years of antenna, Zapping has not made his comeback on Canal + in September. But according to an information of Obs, it is only a delay to the ignition, and Zapping will be back in a few weeks, but on another channel : France 2.

>> Canal+: Look at the last (last) “Zapping”

This is Vincent Meslet, the ex-director of the public tv sacked recently, that has worked behind the scenes since the spring to retrieve the program cult of the PAF. But it is his successor, Caroline Got, who will have the honors to complete this transfer oh so symbolic. After Yann Barthes on TMC, the arrival of the Zapping on France 2 would be the confirmation that the famous “spirit Channel” is everywhere except on Canal +.

>> also read : “Le Zapping” on Canal+ is the last survivor of the “spirit Channel”?

If the show should change its name, Zapping is a registered trademark of the encrypted string, his conductor Patrick Had completed will remain at the helm, who had been fired from the Channel for ” serious misconduct “, a termination of employment validated by the labour inspection.

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