On August 2, 2016
And more ugly duckling in the stable of Comics, DC on the big screen.
No. Distribute a superhero film, or, as here, anti-superhero villains, in 2016, it is not a happening. It’s not even the premier event. Just a matter of marketing, own the big studios who can afford to waste hundreds of millions of dollars in marketing campaigns, including viral, to create the illusion that the viewer is facing the final product “cool, hype, transgressive “which is actually an application identical to falsely diverted codes of the nice well-established productions, which are those of Marvel.
with drafts features brushed wrong street art , Suicide Squad wants to sell for months as a fashion product for hipsters looking for inspiration for their tattoo foreskin. Thus, Warner Bros. overbook the baby nickname crazy as the last rebel stronghold product, notwithstanding the hidden reality: the film is in fact yet another rehash of Kick Ass media plan or Guardian the Galaxy , for the politically incorrect and fascination of young people for the baddies, since from the statement of intent, the comic comes alive to want to erect the villain as a stripper antihero model. Basically, you have come slumming the viewer to see a collective Avengers in another form, while avoiding overly serious and solemn approach last Snyder pumped Nolan visionary approach without .. pleasure of pampering
Suicide Squad is crappy
the ugly cast of the film said it all: Will Smith in search of a artistic redemption, a Ali close, never turned in one good movie, bad, it accumulates effusions laxative ( Seven Pounds, alone against all, Diversion, After Earth ). Here, his bulging muscles will not help. The man has no interest in playing petty, and so it is in (trouble) father above all – very small stage with his daughter who rises between him and Batman at the beginning – that the found. Dad Will Smith in Deadshot can at least congratulate one thing, there is always more convincing than his wife Jada Pinkett Bad Moms , released the same day in France.
Margot Robbie is another case sensitive in the credits, as his female character is essential to the squadron scoundrels. The actress wallows in mediocrity since its inception and would have no credibility in our eyes without participating in enjoyable The Wolf of Wall Street Scorsese. Here, the game boils down to mix the delusions of Eva Green and Anne Hathaway for woodcock composition inherently sexy, but without much personality. Any protruding tongue, she plays the naughty innuendo, sways a lot, but his villainy does not climb the thermometer above its high gams.
The rest of the cast is to addendum, often disappointing, Jay Hernandez, unrecognizable, has the look (the tattooed bald pyromaniac), but when he opens his mouth, the brittleness is there. The Latin lover is at the box office that Enrique Iglesias is to charts, romantic muy caliente stereotype would have done better to stay in place (also elsewhere is Bad Moms , a sign ?).
Jared Leto really lived his hopeful career over 2 years, 1999-2000 ( Requiem for a dream , Fight Club, American psycho, The Red line ). Since it is only a manifestation of infuriating on I (u), dropped behind Christian Bale, Tom Hardy and obviously DiCaprio who managed everything, proven, and no longer have to brush against each overdose role to assert their relevance … Transvestite as usual for several films, Jared Leto, made up as Joker, much grimace. Disjointed puppet as amphetamine, it is the case at hand cast. Too talented to comply with other, too exhausting to play a big role. His appearances are both too few and too often.
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- Copyright Warner Bros. France
fantasy adolescents fed teasing, Suicide Squad is just another marketing product that reflects the cynicism of an industry that no longer believes in the individual.
cinema is more than puffy consortia super- (anti -) hero, like the music of today is not that ungrateful featurings that highlight a poorly-being: individually, all these figures, they would not be the embodiment of an inability to be able and project a pornography additions avoiding risk-taking of individual works on those singled characters?
face of paris risky solo Warner thus mix the characters for a furious orgy verbal jousting, virile and balourdes. But the sum is stunning and the route taken rout … It’s a mess in the little sly script and the squad is still looking for a true star in the collective. The expeditious implementation of the characters, all convicts, close together artificially in media res, the character played by the excellent Viola Davis, is yet tedious. David Ayer, often honest director, believes to be a visual master, so we did not suffer a readable assembly, where the majesty of the staging is not required. The 3D excels in impact and justified in many ways, but the clarity is undermined by often dark images * which, at least, give hope for HD editing, Blu-ray 2D, which will be her resplendent. (* Film seen at Cinema Gaumont Opéra, Paris, in 3D).
Too long for what he has to say, Suicide Squad is a work encased in a delirium that emancipates little screen. Everything is still too calculated and written, transgression is only a promotional intent that never spring a supernatural script where you do not even feel the fury of the raging violence (it’s PG-13, not more). In the Hall of the collective madness, one is faced with fighting lacking panache, the result of a working image official who leaves the bitter taste of disappointment.
Suicide Squad is just one more blockbuster. at least Warner will be able to meet its revenue at the box office. In March, Batman v Superman has been universally reviled, but still grossed nearly $ 872m worldwide. Suicide Squad will raise much criticism, but, given the pre-sales and buzz, at least manage to bring more than one billion four hundred million dollars across the globe since 2016, even with a medium film, the illusions and outbursts of marketing on social networks are one wrong number can reach historically high scores.
in conclusion, dirty time for good cinema.
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