Monday, November 7, 2016

Fréro Delavega : who is Natalia Doco, the one for whom Florian left the group ? – Gala

Quite discreet about his private life, Florian Delavega – half of the Fréro Delavega with her boyfriend Jérémy Frérot, spoke this weekend of his companion, Natalia Doco. Ready to start a family with his beloved, the musician said he wanted to stop his group to be able to devote to this nice project. Back on their romance, worthy of a fairy tale.

In the Fréro Delavega, there is a side Jérémy Frérot, the other Florian Delavaga. If the first live in a relationship very hyped with the former olympic champion Laure Manaudou, the second is more discreet about his love life Yet, Florian Delavega lives to the great love, with a certain Natalia Doco. The couple dream even now to found a family.

It is in any case what was explained Florian Delavega Saturday evening in 50 Minutes Inside, to justify the separation of their duo. More reserved than his friend Jérémy Frérot, the young 29-year old man, has not lived well the overexposure of their duo. And if he has played the game for a time, he feels today the need to stop the charade. "to Run after the sales, to run after the success, this is not something that makes me dream. This exposure to the media is something that suits me more." ” he admits. As if he had made the criticism, he defends himself, explains his other ambitions. "I have a lot of dreams." notable of which is the focus on his personal life: "to Build a family, my place to me (…) where I would have just built with my own hands."

so This is the beautiful Natalia Doco, a singer argentina born in Buenos Aires and based in Paris since 2011, that inspires such feelings to the young man. And it must be said that their love story is first that of a lightning strike. The happy chosen one told of this encounter in the pages of Behold in 2015. "I came to the end of my mexico experience, I wanted to do something else, to continue to travel. And finally, during a trip I made in Europe, in Paris, on the last day, I met my big love and so I’m coming to be with him. And after, at the same time that our love began to bloom, my music too…"

It is during a night out in Paris that their encounter has turned into a pretty romance. "The same evening, we met in two locations of Paris, almost as a kind of chance, except that this was not coincidence at all. The first time, we looked at each other, but we were shy, we did not dare to speak. The second time, it was the end of the evening we re-crossed and we found that it was… destiny ! It is like that that started our story. Then, he followed me in Spain, I am coming… It is super nice."

like his beloved, the young woman began her career by going through the step in reality tv. If Florian Delavega has participated in The Voice in France, she has chosen instead, in 2004, the show Operacion Triunfo, a kind of Star Academy in Argentina. But her transition to television has not been as beneficial for her. "I’ve been so traumatized by this experience, she says, that I left the show directly and decided to leave for Mexico", said she in 2014 to Humanity. leave Everything to live the adventure away from his native country, has given him the desire to discover the world : "I’ve experienced this as a natural evolution. During my teen years, there were problems with me and I had an early desire to go far away, alone."

Natalia Doco first made the buzz on the Internet thanks to a directory of occasions, where she performed with a beautiful assurance and the beautiful voices of artists such as Amy Winehouse, John Lennon, Bob Marley or Asaf Avidan, while surfing on the crest of the bar, guitar in hand, to sing his times. Quickly caught, she has just released her second album, and still lives with her lover in Paris. A story worthy of a fairy tale…

photo Credits : David Wolff – Patrick


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