Friday, November 4, 2016

Véronique Sanson : “I could dedicate a song to Jacqueline Wild” – Obs

in Early September, the voice of Véronique Sanson was once again with the ballad “And I still call”, an ode to his deceased mother, mother-courage, which was a great resistant. The song announcing the album is “Worthy, crazy, so…”. It comes out today. There are other portraits of women : battered, flapping. Véronique Sanson dares to jazz, rock, and gives us a crazy energy with his samba “, And if there was a time”. Meeting with an eternal incandescent.

In the song dedicated to your mother, who disappeared ten years ago, “And I still call”, you use a vocabulary warrior : “killing”, “war”, “burning my soul”. All on a soft music…

When Mehdi Benjelloun has brought me this melody is very soft, I found it sublime and at the same time, it was everything except me. I found it very wise. But, the more I listened, the more I loved her. I started to write it. The first verse was inspired by a photo of my mother. I’ve been wanting to talk about it, I imagined young and beautiful, I thought her role so brave resistance during the war. I think that it is that I was blown away this song, finally.

You always appear like a free woman, as if it was something amazing.

This is an old habit that people have. It is true that in 1972, for a girl, it was surprising to hear me sing what I was singing : I was writing, I was composing, I was playing the piano. We were not so many to do so. I did exactly what I wanted to do. It remained in the memories, I was and I remain within the spirit of the people in this free woman sang her life. Or his twenty-five lives, rather.

And this freedom, have you had the feeling of having ripped off, or is it that this was natural ?

freedom, I think, has a price. The truth of all this is in the middle, but it is true that we must continually go to him to sacrifice something. From time to time, I pay. Once a very expensive and other times less. There is always a small sacrifice that comes to offer to you.

Is this the freedom that is often kidnapped by the religions, of which you speak in your song : “Worthy, crazy, so…” ?

Yes, but these are not religions. In an easter mass that was going on in Rome, I was very surprised to see that everyone is dressed the same. It was like being in a cult. This is absolutely not a lack of respect, I do not spit on religions. I myself have studied the catechism, made my communion, etc, I just wanted to talk about this ceremony where the people were surprisingly well dressed, with Cassocks Armani and hats Saint-Laurent. I recall that they made vows of humility and poverty. This song is the blackbird and mockingbird drive.

there is another one, in this register, it is the history of the “Law of the hens.”

It is part of a true story. I have two hens with me, and I was writing in my living room where there is a basin that crosses. I see something white waving, fighting. This is my dog, who was very young, and had had the bully and the swing. I was consumed by this story, I culpabilisais not me be seen earlier that the chicken was suffering. By arranging my living room, I came across an album of the Double Six, which I am a fan since forever, so I started to write this song in that vein, in the spirit of Mimi Perrin who wrote all the texts with a sense of humor fool, with a play of words funny, all on jazz.

You write “The law of the hens who do the tapin”. Explanation of text ?

sounds good.

from “Dr. Jedi and Mr Kill”, you make the portrait of a battered woman who eventually kills her husband, her abuser. Have you thought about the case of Jacqueline Wild in writing this song ?

No, because I wrote it before thinking about all these women who die every day under the blows of their husbands. But the case of Jacqueline Wild, touch me, I signed all the petitions in its favour. It is amazing that she is still in prison, if I had to dedicate this song this would be it.

You have a lot inspired by the last album of Joan Chérhal, “History of J”. The acknowledge you as one of your spiritual daughters ?

of course ! I love it and I love his songs. It also makes a tremendous show, taking songs from my first album. I was really touched by that, because when they are sung by someone else, it takes on a new meaning. So amazing, it no longer remembers very much of the words that you wrote. Jeanne is an artist, generous, full of talent, always relevant.

However, for the only duet of the album, “Zero for conduct”, you have chosen Zaz.

It is his voice that moved me, the timbre of her voice that is so different from mine. It is, moreover, a good musician, a great improviser, she is a girl that is captivating, funny, it leads to lots of fights at the same time. It is a passionaria in the proper sense of the term. I just love this girl.

During your last tour, you have returned to the directory of your “Years in the u.s.”. Great concert, but the spring was nostalgia…

… but this is not the nostalgia, of my years american ! Out of the songs that were not sung for a long time, does not mean that it is nostalgic. Especially as I chose songs that were not hits, convinced that the public would listen to him. Today, with the tools that people have at their disposal to listen to the music, we offer them without judgment of things that they already like. It is a shame. So, there, I was just happy to offer a second life to these songs unsung, with new arrangements. It has given us, to me and to my team, a crazy energy.


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