Press review – The Bertrand Bonello film follows the fate of a group of young people who detonated bombs in Paris. Critics are divided between those who applaud a feature film that portrayed accurately tangible world and others who feel that the work is overtaken by reality.
After the life of Yves Saint Laurent, Bertrand Bonello wanted to change register with Nocturama film he imagined the story in 2010 but has turned to summer 2015, a few months before the attacks in Paris. In this feature film, cars were burned instead of the Exchange. The statue of Joan of Arc is in flames. The images change continuously on news channels. Panic reigns. The guilty? A group of young anti-capitalist people. If the characters have nothing to do with radical Islam, the film is not to everyone’s taste at the time of the emergency and after the attack of Nice.
A film surpassed by reality
Eric Libiot Express , “ Nocturama is terribly overwhelmed by reality.” For the journalist is nothing explicit or motivations of young people, neither their origins nor their speech on the state of the world. The film was shot between the Charlie Hebdo attacks and those of 13 November . According Libiot, all that wanted to tell Bonello is destroyed by the force of events.
Our film critic at Le Figaro Eric Neuhoff , is the film at a rate of tedious fable blissfully empty and naivety. “What Bonello key brothels of the Belle Époque, the career of a designer, it does not matter. There are subjects he better let the big people, “he concluded.
Cahiers du Cinéma are also quite harsh. For the journalist Gaspard Nectoux, hampering every minute of Nocturama not cen’est abandonment of realism but the inconsistency of the chosen form, the incredible confusion of a film that claims to pay seditious thought, while the director is constantly denies its choice of staging. According to this criticism, “ Nocturama proves that the French cinema still battle with his political vacuum”.
A punk gesture for other
Le Monde , Nocturama is a masterpiece that manages to make sensible ideas to generate thought and capture the visible reality. According to our daily evening the brothers, Bertrand Bonello manages to achieve this delicate balance.
magazine Télérama as it covers the film of praise. Without restraint. “There’s Luchino Visconti in Bertrand Bonello in his taste for the universe Deliquescent paint. Today, Nocturama portrait of a terrorist group, whose members are privileged suggests, no more no less, the company’s self-destruction, “enthuses Louis Guichard.
If Pascal Merigeau, Nouvel Observateur, notes the vituosité Bonello in the use of the set, he laments as many of his colleagues the limited information supplied on these terrorists who blow the capital. “One alluded to religion, all seem to be opposed to a confused consumer society they enjoy one last time in the huge store that night turns into free self-service, he wrote.
The only unequivocal intention is challenging the repression by the armed men who coldly execute the commandos. The youngest, who will be the last killed, whispers: “Help me, help me …” But how to help people whose film 2:10 gave so little known? At this time, Nocturama increases the discomfort it causes. “

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