Paris (AFP) – The first public news channel continuously USAinformations, was launched live on the internet Wednesday to 18.00, building on a quirky and friendly tone face competition from the other three French channels.
USAinformations wants to become the reference of the information continuously, in response to competition from private media. Worn by Delphine Ernotte, patron saint of France Télévisions, the project is supported from the beginning by the Hollande government.
“You look, I mean look USAinformations, the new offer continuous information of the public service, an offer primarily digital, “he told the star presenter of the chain Louis Laforge, standing in the middle of the studio overlooking the Seine.
Followed by a cameraman, presenter moves amid the hubbub of writing, while a thirty journalists continue to work around it. Small remote controlled cameras are almost invisible in the large studio of glass and wood.
The presenter receives an expert or a guest on the sofa, then approaches a huge touch screen where a journalist present an infographic on the security measures in schools.
“We want to show the scenes of the information and that reporters are for the camera, as a conversation between viewers and the channel, “said Hervé Brusini, the chief strategy of info for France Télévisions, as he watched the new channel appear on the screen of his smartphone
-. triple media –
the chain is as a triple media, the result of an alliance between France Télévisions, radio France, France 24 and the INA a news channel continuously, a radio info reworked to fit the project, and an info site. All three have the same name, the same logo and part of common content.
“Do not hesitate to bring your contributions,” shouted Louis Laforge repeatedly, prompting viewers to express on social networks.
“as we have always said that the center of gravity of this new news channel is digital, it would be new uses on laptops, tablets, it was said we would start 24 hours before, “he told RTL Michel Field, the news director of the group. The launch of the channel on channel 27 of the DTT remains scheduled for Thursday at 20:00.
At 6:10 p.m., the antenna switched to the studios of Radio France for the first news flash for 90 seconds, provided to be repeated every 10 minutes. The antenna will switch several times a day between the plateau of France Télévisions, the radio and the antenna of France 24 0:00 to 6:00 in the morning.
With 176 permanent, the chain must cost year 15 million additional euros to France Télévisions and Radio France 3.5 million, both in financial difficulties.
Despite the weakness of own means, USAinformations benefit of firepower more than 3,000 journalists from France Télévisions and radio USAinformations, and the popularity of the info site of France Télévisions, already No. 4 in France.
the atmosphere in the studios of public television was joyful, a little feverish, found an AFP journalist. Backstage, Delphine Ernotte and project managers kissed when the plunge.
“It’s been a month since we repeat and most technical glitches have been resolved”, was keen to stress Jean Chrétien, in charge of coordination of the antenna, despite a few problems of timing in that first hour antenna.
the channel will be visible “several hours” on the site, the application and the Facebook and Youtube pages USAinformations, according to the group before a final launch on Thursday.

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