The jokes, smutty had fused to the antenna. The Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel (CSA) gave notice to the NRJ group for “serious failings” in respect to the image of women and the protection of children in certain editions of the radio program C Cauet.
The CSA has “found serious breaches of the provisions relating to respect for the image of women and the protection of childhood and adolescence for the radio program C Cauet, during broadcasts of the December 17, 2015, 5 February 2016 4 march 2016,” according to a press release posted online Saturday.
“I would put a pete to …”. In one of the sequences affected, recalls the site Ozap, C Cauet had suggested a game his team around the election of Miss France : each person had to answer a question on the election and if she won, she had to post on Twitter a message of support to one candidate. If she lost, she had to tweet a message vulgar of the type : “I would put a pete …”. A game that has given rise to exchanges scabrous and sexist. The CSA threat NRJ a “proceedings of assent” if the program is not in compliance with the law.

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