For its 15th edition, 1st Saturday of October, Nuit blanche reinvents itself : the official route, composed of thirty pieces, is organized and, for the first time, as a narrative, but also a dash of the heart. A bias of the team of the Palais de Tokyo, to the art direction this year, which is no stranger to the events that have recently hit Paris. The heart is as well the symbol as the engine of this edition : the wandering is a quest of love and a story of initiation with the thread of the Seine river, in the heart of the capital and its history.
up To 19 hours up in the morning, the visitors are invited to follow in the footsteps of Poliphili, hero of a tale of the Renaissance, who share in the pursuit of a nymph, Polia, which he fell in love in a dream. A contemporary version of the Dream of Poliphilia the lead of medieval Paris (on the outskirts of the île de la Cité), Paris modern front of the river Seine, up to the Paris of the future, to the Great Paris.
those who are ready to embark in this epic, the Nuit blanche offers, in addition to its dedicated web site, an application to download, of guides distributed along the course (about 8 kilometers, for a duration of 2 h 30), and mediators. Here is a selection of works not to miss at the wire of the twelve chapters of the adventure.

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