Thursday, January 19, 2017

Paris – at the End of 2016, franceinfo exceeds Europe 1 and RTL continues to lead – The Express

The station to the Lagardère group, just adjust the grid in the middle of the season to halt the decline, has lost 1.1 percentage points of hearing in the course of this wave of two months, according to figures released Thursday.

We need to look at (the hearings) in front but do we resign ourselves to it in any case,” said the new director of the radio station, Richard Lenormand, in a letter sent to its employees.

We will take other (measures) if necessary as long as we have not found the true place of Europe 1,” said Richard Lenormand. It relies on the good performance of the radio on the internet to compensate for the bad results of a station which has long been the leader.

CTMR does not realize its dream to overtake Europe 1 but shows a record of the hearing history with 4.4 million listeners on average.

a few years ago, nobody imagined for a second that we could match Europe 1,” said the station director Frank Lanoux to the AFP.

- Radio France at the highest –

The wave of November-December is strengthening as the leaders of the ranking. RTL is the first radio station in France to 12.7% (+0.7) for its best score since 2010, according to its president, Christopher Baldelli. The hearings are in strong growth, in particular, for its check 9: 30am-11am presented by Julien Courbet, “RTL Midi” and “Big heads” of Laurent Ruquier.

Second in the standings, France Inter climbs to 11.2% (+0,7), in a wave which sees Radio France achieve its best audience since 2003.

The group is going well in a tough market,” said its president, Mathieu Gallet, saluting the ‘ repositioning of the strings” made since its arrival in 2015.

France Culture also beats its audience record history, to 2.3% (+0.3 point year on year). Only France Bleu backward (7% of cumulative audience, -0,4 compared to the previous year) at the end of a pretty bad season 2015/2016.

The French are always listening to less radio, according to figures from Médiamétrie (80,8%, compared to 81.6 per cent at the end of 2015). This decline mostly affects the musical (39.1 percent compared with 40.5% last year), with very bad scores on this wave for NRJ (-1,2), Skyrock (0.4) and Chérie FM (-0,6).

The CEO of the NRJ group, Jean-Paul Baudecroux assigns the wrong score of the third radio France (10.7 percent) to “remnants” of the fraud of Fun Radio, which has been accused of having inflated its measures of hearing, advising his listeners to lie to the investigators of Médiamétrie.

The fraud of Fun Radio “prohibits any comparisons or rankings objectives of the radios between them” commented Skyrock in a press release.

If Fun Radio has been reinstated in the measures of the hearings, the performance of the station continue to be corrected by Médiamétrie in this wave. Given this correction, the radio-young group RTL custody a hearing-stable (at 6.4%).

Among the great musical, the only notable progress are those of Nostalgia (+0,4) and Virgin Radio (+0,2), who approach the audience levels in Europe 2, radio it replaced in 2008.

The results of the radio audience in metropolitan France were recorded over the period from October 31, 2016 January 1, 2017, Monday to Friday, measured with 28.425 persons aged 13 years and older.


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