Tuesday, April 26, 2016

After the Odeon, intermittent occupy the Comédie-French – Le Figaro

VIDEO – Fifty protesters broke into Tuesday night inside the theater, causing the cancellation of the representation of Lucrezia Borgia . Earlier in the day, the Odeon, occupied since Sunday, announced the cancellation of Phèdre (s).

“because of a social movement, we must cancel the representation of 26 April 2016. we apologize for this incident.” on Tuesday night, the French Comedie was forced to cancel a performance of Lucretius Borgia, under pressure from a group of about fifty protesters broke into the grounds of the theater. The security forces blocked the entrances.

This is the second Parisian theater that cancels a show on Tuesday. Earlier in the day, after thinking keep the show Phèdre (s) at the Odeon theater with Isabelle Huppert, the director Stéphane Braunschweig, finally announced the cancellation of the performance. A decision by “concern for public safety and artists,” less than 24 hours after the incidents that took place between the intermittent and police on Monday night.

In Strasbourg, intermittent decided in the evening to occupy the National Theatre (TNS). “This is an occupation, not a blockage,” said an actress present on site, adding that the protesters had nothing disturbed the two pieces that were played Tuesday to TNS. Thirty people were about to symbolically pass the night there.

These disturbances occur on the eve of the resumption of talks Wednesday at the Ministry of Labour to find an agreement on the special scheme of unemployment insurance for the entertainment. “We are sitting on a time bomb,” says Samuel Churin, actor and member of the Coordination of intermittent and precarious Île-de-France (CIP).

Performing Professionals are ready to go even further and take action around cultural events planned this summer, as the Festivals of Cannes and Avignon. “Nothing is excluded, says the Le Figaro Eric Aubin, a member of the CGT. The threat around the festivals is a reality. “A maneuver that does not share its counterpart in the CIP. Samuel Churin intends to “put pressure now to avoid disturbing events of this summer” and reproduce the patterns 2003 and 2014. At the time, a massive strike had infected the performances of the Avignon Festival, the Spring Comedians in Montpellier and the Rio Loco Festival in Toulouse.

(with AFP)


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