Monday, April 4, 2016

Renaud rolls for Fillon: should we laugh or cry? – Point

Émoi in Landerneau, stupor in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, consternation among supporters of the left … Renaud vote now on the right! He clearly said in recent days in several interviews, returning his jacket without resort to a year of presidential … “I’ll never vote socialist! “He crying in West . “Politics in quotes on the left, this government débecte me deeply,” he loose Le Parisien . Not to mention Le Figaro , where this rebellious nature drives the point home: “I am deeply disillusioned by the policy, including the so-called left of this rotten government that passes laws that same right would not dare to vote on the reform of the Labour Code or the deprivation of nationality. “Do not throw away the cup overflows!

Should we be surprised? Renaud does not like Holland, this is understandable. Countless activists and showbiz supporters who have denied the president in recent years, starting with Yannick Noah, Josiane Balasko and Laurent Ruquier who regret having voted for him. But to let the Socialists in the open field? Renaud has never wavered in his support on the left, his sixty-eighter barricades, which has always denounced the power, the money, the officers, injustice and the established order. He supported Mitterrand, he considered both cynical and fascinating. It was then found in the forefront to defend the candidacy of Ségolène Royal, on the stage of the stadium Charléty, even if he finds a “populist” nothing. But it is there, faithful to those he has always followed, even from afar, by cross roads, denouncing inequalities, supporting the Third World

Mélenchon. “When we Renaud, Fillon we do not vote! “

Sometimes known versatility of the stars, especially in politics. But if still remained a single, solid, true to certain ideals of the left, it was Renaud. So see today say ready to vote for or Juppé Fillon, as he said in Le Figaro and repeated in the JDD ! “I’ll probably vote for François Fillon I think is a perfectly honest man, a true republican. Mélenchon is leftism, adventurism, an outdated idealism. “François Fillon, the notable of the Sarthe, a pure juice Liberal Democrats, supported by whoever, once, tapped without warning on Margaret Thatcher? And that the team thinks of Charlie Hebdo , the anarchist newspaper par excellence, in which Renaud sign again, who embodies Fillon certainly the symbol of a certain bourgeois morality, all that he hates. This is not understanding anything, as noted by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, annoyed to be labeled as adventurer. “When we Renaud, we do not vote Fillon! “Has he said scathingly on RTL radio.

Should we laugh or cry? It depends which side you are … but for the most disappointed, know that the opinion of the singer is still fluctuating. Le Parisien it a few days ago, it was much less categorical. “I will not vote Fillon, anyway! If I have the choice to vote between the right and the extreme right, I will vote right. But Sarkozy. Here, I’ll go fishing line! “A default choice, somehow. Knowing that one is using this day to him: Nicolas Hulot, “who does what he loves, who says what he does and does what he says”. But that is not present.


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