Saturday, May 21, 2016

The client Ashagar Farhadi, a domestic drama too supported – Inrocks

As often in Cannes, some films returned the ball without prior consultation. Thus, Personnal Shopper dialog with The Neon Demon by probing the world of glamor and luxury of imaging and making sacred form, Maren Ade and Cristian Mungiu explore the father-daughter relationship, while Almodóvar Mendonça Filho and are building an altar for women (and actress) … Selected aging last minute, the film by Asghar Farhadi echoes the Dardenne brothers.

a film by storyteller

as the unknown Girl , an average citizen supports an investigation instead of the police to patiently happen truth under empire of guilt and redemption partners. Here, a teacher of literature and theater actor search the individual who assaulted his wife in the seamy purpose of humiliating and revenge. As he explained to his students, “a man can turn into beast gradually.” As often with Farhadi, a screenplay watch marrying several turns and embodied by outstanding actors will blur the boundaries between good and evil, reveal that reality is often more dense, complex and opaque appearances.

implicitly, it also perceives the gender relations remain dominated by machismo in a puritanical Islamic Republic of Iran, including in the enlightened and educated bourgeoisie. Always impressive in his mastery of narrative and direction of actors, Farhadi sometimes heavy-handed, especially in the last part labored unnecessarily stretched by a secondary and artificial suspense (the character of the “client” will he succumb or not a heart attack?). Moreover, woven echoes between the main story and the part that the characters play in the evening (L Death of a Salesman Arthur Miller) is an antiquated process that renews Farhadi little -except on one occasion, when the affects of real life contaminate dialogues of the play.

Customer confirmed that Farhadi is an effective storyteller but a demonstrative strand in his desire to show that things are not what they seem.

Customer Asghar Farhadi (Iran). With Shahab Hosseini, Taraneh Alidoosti. Official Selection: competing



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