Friday, September 11, 2015

Ciné Arthus-Bertrand, and me and my excitement – Liberation

Valérie Lemercier bleeding evoking its various services during the evening of the Caesars on the site Vanity Fair recalls: “In 2010, we invited Yann Arthus-Bertrand on stage. I joked that her next book would be called My Ass from the sky. It had obviously not repeated beforehand. He was shocked enough “ Indeed, the joke did not laugh photographer, filmmaker, environmentalist, entrepreneur and awesome manager -. Through its Good Planet Foundation, a real studio production and promotion globalized environmentalist imaging. His new masterpiece more than three hours, Human, is planned this Saturday in New York – in his presence – to the UN headquarters, was released in theaters, but also available free on the Internet (YouTube, Google Play).

High Mass. This is a huge media offensive, and the ship Admiral Human actually breaks down into a feature film escorted many satellites (“In the footsteps of the Human”, “Adventure Human “,” the Human “, etc.), with free screening in most cities of France possible, educational kit for teachers who wish to speak of” living together “to their students , DVD, book-album, conferences, etc. “I dreamed of a film where the power of words resonate on the beauty of the world” wrote Yann Arthus-Bertrand, who has passed through (well he or his teams of journalists) from 60 countries achieve 2020 interviews in 63 languages.

Human is as a vast patchwork facing camera testimony where Afghan soldiers, children of British streets, Indian women, American prisoners, pensioners French, Palestinian or Israeli fathers tell their woes, their desire for revenge, their memories of atrocities seen or experienced the humiliations, the illuminations also made by the violence of certain events … There are material to hundreds of portraits, articles, films, and the scenes of Human mobilize enormous resources to a result which is also a huge mess. Because, obviously, those hundreds of people are uprooted from any political, geographical, existential, and it is necessary for each one speculate what country and in what economy, what conflict, what social stratum he or she talks . What matters is less the understanding of situations that the high mass of tears and smiles, the litany of horrors and the balm of small pleasures and love hanging shreds in a river indistinct contemporary tragedies. Yann Arthus-Bertrand inserted between its short interviews (none lasts longer than two minutes) his usual long sequences in slow motion, helicopter shots, balloon or drones, which are both spectacular and report to the Registry tourism advertising . The strange predominance of ancestral landscapes with their riders or their caravans couples farmers plowing their land with wooden harrows pulled by oxen in reality cutting pieces of exotic dreams, nostalgia made of a world where everything was beautiful, more pure. Besides, Arthus-Bertrand uses two common techniques for hitting the spectator and plunge into this strange state of emotional fascination which vies with disgust. For evidence, he places the speakers on a uniform gray background. For landscapes, it mutes the sound of vehicles where the images are taken. He needs to get his way, playing this double context of ablation for the eye and the ear, in order to lull humanity soft purr of its fusion ideology.

Capitalism. During projection, often thought of Werner Herzog, absolutely antithetical to the way he seizes him, topic, how the hollow, how, as he takes the stage to face interlocutors he met and queries, as in the fabulous Into the Abyss, on a news bloody the United States. How he joined as a reflection on the great Nature without illusion, adoring and the damning of all insults.

This is not the same kind of man, nor probably Bank account. Human is partly funded by the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation-as well as his film Home had been by the PPR Group and the Qatar Foundation. Arthus-Bertrand is criticized for its dual language in ecology, when he partners with larger groups of world capitalism. Pigeon linking industrial fortunes and photogenic beggars, he sprinkles holy pictures of the planet quietly depoliticized.

Didier Peron


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