Saturday, September 12, 2015

“Human”, Yann Arthus-Bertrand: faces and landscapes (SLIDESHOW) – France Soir

A face is the most beautiful landscapes. By alternating interviews, close-up, more than a hundred people and aerial shots around the planet, Yann Arthus-Bertrand filmed humanity today in his film Human , released on screens Saturday, September 12.

For two years his teams have conducted more than 2,020 interviews in 60 countries and 63 languages. Each of the respondents was filmed with the same frame and the same background. “It is in the faces, the eyes, the word that I now see a strong way to dive to the bottom of the human soul. Each meeting you advanced. Each story is unique. By immersing myself in the experience of the other, I wanted to understand “ says the photographer-director

The questions were the same for everyone: life , death, war, love, happiness, the future … The film, very long (3:11) begins with the moving words of an American prisoner, sentenced to life imprisonment for double murder, which tells Love testified that he, by his forgiveness, grandmother and mother of his two victims.

then parade throughout the film, harsh words, words optimistic, cheerful words, words full of hope and full of other despair child soldiers, survivors of Rwanda, Palestinians and Israelis, Indians and Africans suffering from famine, a Jewish survivor of the Nazi saved by a SS, an irradiated Hiroshima, gay victims of homophobia, peasants in full misery of Ukrainian fighters Calais immigrants, the poor and homeless. But also simple people and happy living, parents and children who love men and women that speak of joy and love, the wounded of life who believe that the best is still to come -like this Mexican girl abused, orphaned, and happy to be alive, which says that “we must live in the present” .

“Do we all have the same thirst for love, freedom and recognition? In a world torn between tradition and modernity, our unchanging needs they remain the same? And basically, what that today a human being? What is the meaning of life? Our differences are they so big? Does not one shares more values ​​than we think? And if so, why does happen -on still not understand? I wanted to ask all these questions, speak of humanity “ says Yann Arthus-Bertrand.

This environmentalist photographer famous for his aerial photographs (his book Earth from Above , in 1999, was a bestseller) alternates faces with landscapes, mostly from the sky, and often in slow motion, the sound of music and carefully selected songs.

From the first minutes, a flock of birds is worth all special effects imaginable. And the beauty of the images invades the screen: waves, a sandstorm, rice paddies, horsemen children in Mongolian steppes, a herd of goats, canyons of Africa, a waterfall in Mexico, the remains of a lake Colombian prehistoric tree-shaped. But also Africans who sort garbage in a giant landfill slums of line workers, a Chinese swimming pool crowded, the city of New York illuminated asian mass wedding, spectators of a football match, military parading …

A global patchwork that fills the eyes and heart. “From the smallest everyday history to the most amazing life stories, these poignant encounters and a rare sincerity highlight what we are, our darkest part, but also what we have more beautiful and more universal. The Earth, our Earth, is sublimated through unpublished aerial images accompanied by music as an opera, which reflect the beauty of the world and offer us moments of breathing and introspection “, concludes the director

(See below the trailer of the film.):


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