Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Manif for all, smother with Sausage Party – The Express

This is a cartoon that gives life back to the cinema of animation for adults. in Sausage Party, a film signed directors Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan, puts in scene the adventures of a sausage and his compatriots foods, fruit and hot dog buns.

CRITICAL >> Sausage Party, a moment of bewilderment hollywood welcoming

But now, the film is gritty and portrays the sexual life of these lads. And although forbidden to under 12 years of age, he has irritated The Manif for all, who has tweeted a part of the day on Wednesday, the day of its release on the big screen, against the film, as reported in Liberation.

An “orgy giant”

On his Twitter account, the opposition movement to the same-sex marriage has challenged the national cinema Centre: “Hello @LeCNC, tell us how you allow the projection of an orgy giant, to see family?”

another tweet complained about a particular scene, that of a thin part (and very graphic) between the characters. The cartoon is described as “an animated movie porn”. Especially, the prohibition to the age of 12 years is slammed, on the pretext that it applies to less than 17 years in the United States.

In a press release signed by the collectif des Associations familiales catholiques, the content “not only coarse but especially clearly pornographic, under the guise of second-degree and ‘politically incorrect’” is also lampooned.

The Commission de classification of the film challenged

“The family Associations catholiques (AFC) will apply to the Commission in [classification movies]to give coherence to its notice, in particular, from the point of view of the age of prohibition,” he said.

The chairman of the party christian-democrat Jean-Frédéric Poisson, retweeted by the account of The Manif for all, has also denounced on his own account a “scene of the orgy is for children 12 years of age”. “Everything remains to be done to combat the early exposure to pornography”, he added.

“the concept of The film is simple: to make jokes gravelly at base of sausages and buns plump, irresistibly drawn to each other !”is, for its part, defended the producer Kyle Hunter, according to the Huffington Post.

READ more >> Sausage Party revived with the animation for adults, a genre almost moribund


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