Monday, December 15, 2014

Hacking Sony: Spectrum scenario, the next James Bond … – Le Figaro

Producers of the 24th episode of the spy 007 confirms that a first draft of the script was stolen during the cyber attack American society.

The end of spectrum, the next James Bond would it be disappointing? Mass piracy suffered by Sony Pictures reveals some information that producers would have preferred to keep to themselves. Whereas since late November, movies, email and other embarrassing information was revealed to the general public, the next installment of the adventures of British spy in turn is under the control of the flight.

Eon Productions, the company that produces the James Bond films, confirmed in a statement that a first version of Spectre scenario was released. And this would improve, as suggested unveiled mail exchanges. In November, this version was sent by email to several Sony executives to be revised. According to the website Gawker, who read in detail the conversations and content of the script, the leaders “concede that the film is generally good” and that “the first 100 pages are fantastic.” But they deplore especially “a disappointing end.” This would be “boring” and could be shortened to “20 pages”.

Jonathan Glickman, president of the company’s production and distribution MGM, Hannah Minghella, co-president of production for Columbia Pictures (a subsidiary of Sony) and Elizabeth Cantillon producer of Sony, also annotated severe remarks throughout the scenario. The wicked, whose name is revealed, would not be enough “convincing” and the scenario globally miss the “twists”.

The question is whether the scenario has been seen since. Filming spectrum has indeed started on 6 December. But this episode, the most expensive of all James Bond, was perhaps see her reduced from 300 to $ 250 million budget, as revealed the other mails exchanged and pirated. The savings should then be made on the costs of location: London to prefer a Roman villa, using three cars instead of four in a combat sequence and make it less impressive final. Spectrum he will leave the audience wanting more?


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