Monday, December 15, 2014

Juliette Binoche: “Acceptance of change makes things … – The Obs

  • The movie “Sils Maria” by Olivier Assayas, received Monday, December 15 the Louis Delluc Prize, which honors best French film released in the year. ”
  • The story of an actress in the throes of age and of creation, was hailed by critics upon its release on 20 August.
  • Juliette Binoche, who initiated the film and plays the main character, answering questions of “Obs” at the output. Interview.

You are at the origin of “Sils Maria” which seals your reunion with Olivier Assayas …

– There is a Just over two years ago I had the idea of ​​a story with three characters, three women who exchange their roles. I thought that Oliver might have wanted to write on this subject, who was then a sketch. He was enthusiastic

You Generate often this kind of envy among filmmakers

-.? I’ve done a lot. I have less desire today

Is it a desire to move on to the stage

-.? No. Rather dreams come true I look and meetings that are realized. These exchanges feed me

“Sils Maria” symbolizes a story Olivier Assayas dashed and you share your debut

-.. By imagining the character of this actress who was persuaded to resume the play of his early and agrees to pass the role of leading lady to that of his victim, older, Olivier echoes our meetings on “Rendezvous” [ which he co-wrote with André Téchiné in 1984, Ed ] and then “Summer Time”.

The film, which he wrote in resonance with them, develops a fascinating reflection on the age and identity: who are we? Who are we now? I’m not sure that Olivier was fully aware of what he wrote; I likens his approach to that of a player at the peak of his art, but in spite of him delivering an unknown part that exceeds it.

At 50, is it not a challenge put yourself in the shoes of an actress who has to give way

– Maybe is it my desire to cause: the perspective of the physical change amuses me. I find it exhilarating. Sometimes it scares me but I feel pleasure to resist this fear. I have this kind of rage to tell me that this is part of life. I loved seeing Simone Signoret old. Beyond age, presence takes all: it is the presence that is waiting for you, it’s what we will see

Maria Enders, your character. , would like to develop with his assistant a vision of the role it has to interpret very different from when she played she defended the young first …

– It runs through a difficult time of life is full divorce, no longer feels as if desired as an actress, and must be prepared to play the role of one who loses. He must descend into painful emotions and it is unbearable. Maria clings to the past. Now it is the acceptance of change making them livable things.

“Sils Maria” is a real curveball working actor.

– I liked the idea of ​​introducing into replays between Maria and Valentine violence, an underlying tension and seduction. It is not only for them to lead the memory of Maria by linking the words without thinking. Each plays a double register and this causes an ambiguity that captures the madness of the creative process

Maria Enders door short hair, it is sporty.; almost massive …

Its appearance changes, including in everyday life. I wanted it almost physically feel the progress of the role in it. I recently played an American in impeccable education [ "Nobody Wants The Night", by Isabel Coixet, Ed ]. At home, my children laughed at my table manners. I was becoming this woman.

The violent film critical new forms of communication and pipolisation

-. It is difficult for an actor to move from self-forgetfulness – that humility to serve as a role – much to the star Barnum. This is often a pain. We are no longer in the sense of creating shared several that acts as an elixir, we enter areas that isolate and weaken.

do you have?

– No. I did the trial that he had when he had to. Is it also because I shoot a lot abroad? I feel totally free

How did you prepare your role

-.? I worked with Susan Batson, an American coach who m ‘ accompanied from time on films. During the shooting, a young American assistant made me repeat my scenes. You had to feel the bitterness of the mountains and the interior encounter with the role, pending the clouds snake crossing the Maloja Pass and the thousand questions whirl in the character’s head before facing his young partner.

What kind of actor are you on a tray

– I like a film to be a challenge, a real moment of curiosity .dropoff window When I know in advance what it will be, I’m bored. Since “Carlos” [ in 2010, Ed ], Olivier Assayas has gained confidence and freedom. On set, he threw everyone, actors and technicians, in a sort of permanent improvisation. It was exciting.

“Sils Maria” was shot in English. Is it a problem for you

– There is always a challenge to play in a language that is not his own but is more or less depending on whether a or not to work an accent. There are none on “Sils Maria”. Olivier resists perfectionism speak English well: it considers that there is now a new language – he calls it the language of foreigners. He’s right but this new idiom does not make the subtleties of the text: in English, some inflections are enough to change the meaning of a word and our Latin languages ​​do not work well. So when I watch “Sils Maria” I feel frustrated over this work that we have not done.

often referred you to “global actress”. Where did you come very early the desire to shoot abroad

– The American dream never tempted me, the world dream, yes. I wanted to be free to go shoot with different people, cultures and continents; invent my way. But desire is not enough. That’s life that makes a difference.


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