Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Captain America 3: Iron Man confirmed the casting – Le Figaro

The superhero, played on screen by Robert Downey Jr., will be part of the next installment of the adventures of Steve Rogers. A negotiated contract for a mere $ 40 million.

Iron Man will indeed be in the cast of the next part of Captain America. The American site Variety confirmed the information last night.

The American actor, Robert Downey Jr., who plays the charismatic figure in red and gold armor, negotiated his next contract with Marvel. Originally, the studio saw simply show quickly Tony Stark, the billionaire to the invincible armor in this new film Captain America , played on screen by Chris Evans. But those three short weeks of filming were not to the liking of the actor. Marvel has had to imagine a whole new scenario.

Captain America 3 will finally resume the history of comics Civil War . It depicts a political war between Iron Man to Captain America. The first is a supporter of the Superhero Registration Act. This law, created in the original comic, forcing superheroes to identify to identify those with superpowers. This decision divides the two characters. Captain America advocated complete freedom of action while Iron Man wants to follow the law and becomes the villain of the third film.

With a greater presence on the screen, the actor has negotiated a bigger check. For the first part of the movie The Avengers , Robert Downey Jr. had pocketed nearly $ 50 million. The actor is expected to reach about 40 million for the third episode of Captain America .

The shooting of Captain America 3 is expected to begin next spring, under the direction of the Russo brothers, directors of the second installment of the adventures of Captain America, Captain America: The Winter Soldier . The output of the feature film is scheduled for 11 May 2016

For the impatient, Iron Man and Captain America will come together later in The Avengers , Avengers : Age of Ultron , scheduled for 29 April 2015


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