Saturday, May 9, 2015

Charlie Hebdo: Jeannette Bougrab evokes his suicide attempt – Le Figaro

In his book Damn , published May 13, Albin Michel, former Secretary of State reflects on his relationship with Charb, the editor of the satirical magazine murdered in the attacks of 7 January 2015.

“I prefer to die and leave Charb live,” confided Jeannette Bougrab few days after the attack in Charlie Hebdo 7 January 2015.

She who was the companion of Charlie Hebdo editor confirms having tried to end his days in his book Cursed which appears on May 13 and Albin Michel in an interview with Paris Match titled “Charb said,” You have your honey, I’m your guy. ‘”

Former Secretary of State for Youth and Associative Life in the government of François Fillon unveiled confides. “I was so low I happened to hope not get up,” she writes in her book. She admits that she wanted to die after the burial of Charb.

She was saved after being taken to the hospital of Val-de-Grace and cared for several days, while supported by writer-journalist Patrick Besson with whom she had met Charb “an autumn day at lunch at Lipp.”

In this touching testimony, Jeannette Bougrab back on her relationship with the designer, which she had taken a different dimension when her mother to pancreatic cancer was diagnosed. “Darling said,” Sure, you have your baby, it’s me, I’m your guy. I want to meet her, “she says. “To support me, he came to live with me.”

After the attack, the director of the family of writing Charlie Hebdo , especially Laurent Charbonnier, the brother of the latter, had then told AFP that there was no “relational engagement” between Charb and Jeannette Bougrab.

This statement Jeannette Bougrab had reached deep inside herself even. About this controversy, she wrote elsewhere: “I spend five hours with a bailiff to record my correspondence with Charb several hundred SMS and designs for May as tangible evidence of our deep and sincere love.”

She said the denials Charb family are explained very simply: “They want to get Charb as one of those” men who jumps on everything that moves “and me as his” plan ass. ” Because they want the image of Charb match that they want to give Charlie Hebdo, “she explains to Paris Match .

Since April, left Finland for “a change of air after the violence and wickedness.


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