Saturday, September 3, 2016

Koh Lanta 2016: Replay of September 2, Amandine is eliminated – Staragora

When premium of 26 August, it’s Miriam who was the first eliminated in the red. The Yellow have the wins, but for how long?

The sun rises on the red camp following the first elimination. Lau is quite happy with his choice, unlike Julie who regret . Yellow fire and have slept well, they also cooked rice and cassava. They are ready for the next test while red are lagging behind. Place the test of comfort, the key to the fire for red or a big fish for yellow fire that already.

New defeat red

Candidates must make a relay and make a ladder to retrieve a torch. A yellow girl can participate in respect equality and Alexandra is pulling the black symbol. The reds are overtaken by the yellow, but are highly determined. When making the scale, the reds are too disordered and lose the comfort . They fight at the time of debriefing, but Lau calm the game. In addition to fish, the yellow earn a ride on Treasure Island. Jean-Luc sends Yannick.

Back on the island, the reds are bitter and blame Sophie for criticizing his team. She gave a bad image to the yellow and that Benedict does not accept it. Red understand that they need a leader during the trials and think Lau. The team captain Bruno rest of the camp. Following this failure, the yellow jubilant. They note that the red team has a problem of communication and leadership. But no time to talk, snapper awaits them. Yannick’s policeman. I knows the forest well and is not confused . It should easily navigate and find their way. The advance guard quickly and well and has a good chance of finding the ring.

The development of Sophia

Sophie is isolated on the island and did not participate the debate. It has not reached agreement with the rogues on the choice of Lau as a guide and it upset his team. Result, when Lau comes to see Julie, Sophie lowered his head. She feels hostility. Lau also distributed tasks and Sophie had to get food in the forest. Instead, she stayed to watch the girls make fire and did not respect the contract. Sophie did nothing and Candice remarks, she hatred against Sophie and retrieves the job to go travel the forest. Sophie is in the viewfinder of Lau who is inactive and annoying . In yellow, so good and food is flowing. Rice, cassava, seafood and soup

When making fire, Sophie made a remark and Candice gets angry. It is negative and Sophie informed him. As an aside, Lau advises Sophie to pay attention to his way of speaking and his remarks. On the defensive, Sophie tries to defend himself and gets angry. Candice returns to the charge later and tone up before going down.

The red wins immunity test

It ‘ time immunity test and yellows are the cleat after eating all night. Yannick is back and yellow must remove a player to be on par with the reds. The game is to go win bamboo jumping in the air. We must gain momentum. Yellows late, but back the score and a bamboo advance. But the red cling and almost reach the goal. More than a bamboo recover and Benedict recovers. First victory of the red and the most beautiful . No fighting, no shouting and a great victory. Tonight, the Red will sleep on their two ears.

The yellow make a difficult choice

The return to camp is difficult for yellow. This first failure is a shock. Jesta, very emotional, feared for his head. Alexandra too, which is the oldest, is afraid to jump. She spoke to Jean-Luc trying to reassure her. Among the reds, the victory makes everybody happy and the atmosphere is returned. In yellow, it’s great no matter what. The yellow eat whatever they find and are not saving. It is shameful !

The red rise without the head board. However, make fire becomes paramount. It’s cold and they eat raw. After some efforts, Benoit and Bruno arrive to light the fire. It’s a beautiful day for the red, except for some disputes with Sophie. The yellow make their cabin before the vote. The yellow girls know they are in danger and think Alexandra vote , the frailest of them.

This is the time of the vote and Amandine recovered some votes, particularly Jean-Luc and Alexandra. It is played between Amanda and Alexandra and is Amandine is eliminated. If she keeps the high head facing his comrades, she burst into tears facing camera. Amandine pay outspoken and critical of the management of food.


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