Saturday, March 12, 2016

10 Cloverfield Lane or the art of secrecy on a film in 2016 – Cinema

“when the trailer for Cloverfield was released (from anywhere), everyone was surprised, explained Abrams Empire in late February. We wanted to do it again with 10 Cloverfield Lane … We thought it would be fun to intrigue the public again this way “.
Before January 15, the project had indeed no official title and no one had the connections with Cloverfield, even if produced by Bad Robot and Paramount, as his “elder.” From that date, the studio has appointed has tease with a tantalizing trailer and given him a date very close output (for Hollywood standards): mid-March 2016, two months after the launch of the first video. A refreshing surprise at a time when the spoilers are raining on the web. How did the team managed to keep the secret? Elements of response, less than a week before its release

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the example of Cloverfield
in summer 2007, the viral promotion of Cloverfield was starting in parallel to his film without the film’s title appears on poster or short teasers revealed in dribs and drabs by JJ, then best known as “the creator of Lost” . These mysterious montages appeared on the web via sites that had no prior relationship with the cinema, such as or Tagruato to pique the curiosity Internet users. Nobody expected this film, but in a few weeks, these short videos showing New York camera filmed scenes of panic hand made the “buzz” on the canvas. The staging was the one used in the movie Matt Reeves , but that the public would find out that a few months later, in November, exactly at the time of going online to real trailer for Cloverfield, in which the title of the project was finally unveiled.

Cloverfield was staged by a director as little known that his actors at the time, even if Lizzy Caplan and T. J. Miller pierced since. For years, the actual title of the movie was kept secret and code names kept changing, Cheese Clover through 1-18 -08 , as for the website, which corresponds to its US release date. A surprising rumor even ran around an adaptation of Call of Cthulhu Lovecraft …

With this original promotion, Cloverfield had some success during the winter of 2008, reporting $ 170 million in the world for less than 30 million official budget, and J. J. Abrams has become the master of the mysterious promotions. Super 8 Star Wars 7 , it has kept its secret stories, intriguing viewers with tantalizing teasers, which posed more questions than it gave answers (it still has a big downside to the promotion of Star Trek 2 , who was trying to protect the identity of the villain, while she was quickly guessed by fans of the saga) .

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Cloverfield Lane 10

How to renew the feat seven years later? If
Cloverfield “out of nowhere” , in the words of producer, how to keep the surprise about a potential sequel? The idea was obviously raised right after the success of the first part. J. J. Abrams seemed therefore never launched but nothing concrete so far, while Matt Reeves was attacking other projects: Let Me In released in 2010, Planet of the Apes 2 in 2014 … the agenda of the producer being busy ( Super 8 , Star Trek and Mission: impossible movies, series Almost Human, Person of Interest etc.), impossible to guess that one of his projects was to become “new Cloverfield” .

Besides seven years after the “buzz” original, the technique had been taken many times in Hollywood. Spectators are accustomed to promotions of this type, it seemed more difficult to surprise them. Yet Bad Robot has almost followed the same pattern. The shooting took place in late 2014, at a cost estimated at $ 5 million. While some have made the connection with the budget of Cloverfield , nobody thought it could be a sequel, a prequel or a spin-off, since his synopsis announced a camera light years of hyper-dynamic monster movie Matt Reeves “After a car accident, a young woman is picked up by two men in a shelter, but it must not go out, because the air was polué by chemical attack. “

As the eldest, 10 Cloverfield Lane first had false securities ( the Cellar when shooting, then Valencia in 2015). He too was staged by an unknown director, Dan Trachtenberg, revealed by the short film Portal: No Escape . However, its distribution is more famous than the original film, and it might have to draw attention to the point of spoiling the surprise factor: John Goodman , who needs no introduction, gives starred with Mary Elizabeth Winstead ( Scott Pilgrim ) and John Gallagher (the series the Newsroom ). Who says actors known actors told promo, and production has consistently asked the trio to say as little as possible on film. They were especially not evoke Cloverfield ! Even better: a recent Oscar winner participated in the project , without this filter from zero before the first US projections

Suite.? Prequel? Spin-off?
result, less than a week before its release, future viewers still do not know what to expect. What 10 Cloverfield Lane, exactly? At first glance, its plot has nothing to do with that of the feature film of 2008. But with a title like that, there is necessarily a link, right? All the promotion of Bad Robot is based on this, but even from the trailer fell, the team is careful not to speak of “suite”. “If it is not called Cloverfield 2, is there a good reason, swear JJ It is very different from the film by Matt Reeves, even if he is executive producer project, as Drew Goddard (the writer of Cloverfield , ed.) (…) This is an original story, which is spiritually connected to Cloverfield. “ If he refuses to talk about “saga” , it implies that a third episode is being investigated and that will link him out there eight years ago and the one that is about to invade movie theaters. In the first American reviews , which fell this week, we also find the idea of ​​a project that “sharing DNA Cloverfield” without being its direct sequel.

Until its release, users can always try to unravel the mysteries of his trailer. As for Cloverfield Bad Robot created fake sites giving clues about the movie . Especially one that traces the journey of the character John Goodman . Reveals he important elements of the movie or is it a red herring? cinema response Wednesday

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Cloverfield Viral Promo

The 5 biggest mysteries of Cloverfield Lane 10


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