Wednesday, March 9, 2016

All films Wachowski indicated their transformation – Le Figaro

VIDEOS – Ten years before the transition, the Wachowski brothers were already two sisters. Bound Matrix through Speed ​​Racer and Cloud Atlas , Lana and Lilly have dotted their films ‘warning signs.

the cinema Wachowski never stopped playing with the blurring of boundaries between genres. Mirror of their transgender and metaphysical universe, Lana and Lilly films are actually past their metamorphosis reminiscences.

The little blue pills and pink Matrix , the Sapphic relationship between Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly Bound , the candid and sexless world of Speed ​​Racer … are all prophetic elements that have over ten years announced the change of identity of the two brothers.

“The reality, my reality is that I made a transition and I continue to do all my life, through the infinite between masculine and feminine, the image of the infinite binary between zero and one, “said today the director Andy Wachowski, now called Lilly. Four years after her sister Lana, director formalized its transition. A metamorphosis already premeditated in feature films Wachowski …

Bound (1996)

” you know what differentiates you and me, Violet? – No. – Neither do I”. The first film of the Wachowski brothers reveals the founding elements of their filmography. manicured nails, lipstick, short cuts … the female body loving the camera. From the outset, gender becomes important in the eyes of Lilly and Lana, who subtly come to hide under the guise of their two actresses. With delicacy and sensuality, Gina Gershon marry the hybrid role of manly woman in Jennifer Tilly arm and that of the femme fatale with Joe Pantoliano.

Matrix (1999)

The world is becoming a woman. Past the other side of the mirror, in the heart of the matrix, the Wachowski brothers sublimate their gender theory. The Manichean reality collapses in favor of a fuzzy world, where masculine and feminine borders are abolished. Should he choose blue or pink pill to expect to live in society? Is he not one of two possible, as suggested by Hugo Weaving to Neo: “I have the impression that you lived two lives.”? While Keanu Reeves reborn to himself, half-man half-woman immersed in amniotic fluid …

Speed ​​Racer (2008)

The child is one who has no gender or sexuality. In their action movie, the filmmakers revisit the innocent world of infancy. Virility is nonexistent in the image of their hairless skin. Echoing their previous films, actresses wear a short cut while the codes are scrambled between the characters. ever faster cars behind unreal power, the Wachowski brothers seem in search of an absolute time.

Cloud Atlas (2012)

“our lives, our choices, every meeting, open to new possibilities.” in line with Matrix , the directors, with the latter film, returns to their origins. They mark the culmination of their philosophical thought by revisiting the myth of reincarnation and the theme of rebirth. “Yesterday, my life had taken a direction. Today she took another. ” A quote that sums up their existence in “the one and the infinite.”


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