Sunday, March 6, 2016

Death of Austrian conductor Nikolaus Harnoncourt – Le Figaro

DISAPPEARANCE – Nicknamed the “pope” of the Baroque revival, the leader died on Saturday March 5 at the age of 86. In late December, he announced that he was ending his career for health reasons.

“Nikolaus Harnoncourt took his last breath peacefully in the family circle, “said a short ad the family of musician and Austrian conductor. Saturday, December 5, he died at his home at the age of 86. Last December, he announced to end his career for health reasons.

“My physical abilities require cancellation of my upcoming projects,” wrote Nikolaus Harnoncourt in an open letter to the public came to listen in December, even the weekend of his 86th birthday, a concert of ‘baroque music ensemble he founded in Vienna, the Concentus Musicus Wien.

Established in 1953 by Harnoncourt when he played the cello with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, the ensemble has dedicated the interpretation of European baroque music on period instruments. It was based on it for many research, helping to revolutionize the interpretation of this music. A work that earned him recognition as one of the pioneers of the “authentic” interpretation or “history” of classical music, although he has always hated being typecast.

Rebel with academicism

The Count Nikolaus de la Fontaine und d’Harnoncourt-Unverzagt was born in Berlin on December 6, 1929. His mother came from the Habsburg dynasty and father descended from a Lorrain spent in the service of the same family, which has long ruled over Central Europe. Rebel with academicism, Harnoncourt has never confined to one style, recording the repertoire in all its variety, to romantic and twentieth century music.

Early lover of all the arts, it left early Graz, the city in southern Austria where he grew up to study the cello in the capital. In 1952, Harnoncourt is hired within the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, but was immediately frustrated by the authoritarianism of orchestra conductors. Its permanent challenged then disturb the Vienna established musicians and musician permanently leaves the Vienna Symphony in 1969.

Many converts

Over the years, his ideas have attracted more and more, and these days, even the world’s greatest orchestras playing modern instruments use key elements of period performance as joints, tempos, phrasing or absence of vibrato. Nikolaus Harnoncourt also eest Styriarte behind the festival, which takes place every year since 1985 in Graz, the city in southern Austria which he grew up.

“An era ends, said Thomas Angyan, steward of the Musikverein, one of Vienna’s most prestigious musical institutions. I did not think it would pass so little time between retirement and death [...] It was the original of its original [...] We must continue the musical legacy he left us. ” Nikolaus Harnoncourt had received in 2014 at the age of 84, an Echo Klassik – main distinction of classical music in Germany – rewarding lifetime achievement



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