Saturday, March 5, 2016

French Academy: an election both comic and appalling – The Obs

If this election March 3, 2016 at the French Academy was a Tarantino film, a spaghetti western Quai Conti, we would see a handful of guys hungry for glory, desperate to sit on the chair the late Assia Djebar – number 5, vacant since his death a year ago. Except that this is not a film, but an appalling psychodrama umpteenth episode of the intellectual collapse of the financial institution, formerly prestigious, now provides the show with each election.

At first it was even in polite company. Seeing wear the dress, Frédéric Mitterrand announced his candidacy to eventually give up, feeling that the matter was far from over. Excellent critic, Jean-Claude Perrier also said package. The most frivolous candidates began to flow then, many paradoxical when we know the difficulty of finding the Academy immortal in his foot.

There are some thirty years, it had long male club the right idea, bold for these gentlemen to consider that women, after all, also part of the human race (Marguerite Yourcenar served as guinea pig in 1980, however, that we should not rely on it to prevent the meetings of the dictionary) . Still, that mortality that, under the dome, broke all records, the Academy began to cast a wide net. Journalists, lyricists, you name it – the Academy has never been egalitarian, democratic, anarchist almost

To have thus lowered the constantly gave ideas to polloi. – Election of today offers much pitiful illustration. You have probably never heard of the work of Michel Carassou, who was a candidate. That is, imagine, an expert on surrealism. At one time, though André Breton spat on the institution and some of its members (Anatole France in particular). Eduardo Pisani would also be part of the noble assembly. Born in Naples, he became known in pushing the song ( “I Love Monday”). So a singer. This should wake up the mood, after being reflected on the question of onions, like peeling the word in the idea of ​​better writing.

“Poet , blogger and columnist “, as proclaims Eric Dubois, who was a candidate on 4 February. Really, it’s not a passing downpour. On the asset side of Dubois, a “twenty” of books published, according to the person. To tip a little more balance in turn, our new Rene Char told “militant assets of the poetic cause and the condition of poetry and PoE your . And note that “While still studying poetry in schools, colleges, high schools and universities, but that as adults taken by family, social and professional concerns is attracted by popular entertainment, taste or interest moves away. I’m not here to make the trial of the Company’s Consumer and Entertainment. Is not Marx or Debord wants! “ And does not the Academy who dream! God thank you, our friendly candidate does not get too many illusions: “I have little chance of being elected. I’ll have fifty. I’m still a young Bridesmaid Poem you.

Andrei Makine, too, in the running. Russian origin, Andrey has a universe, a language, an undeniable talent. The Academy saved from the waters? Not sure. For Olivier Mathieu, a pamphleteer who treated Finkielkraut “true neo-con” and just go after Eric Dubois, Makine is the worst possible choice. No wonder, since he himself is a candidate!

“You take a false dissident (our time is remarkable for its consid rates Maple OCD, toqu ed and losers in command) writes Mathieu, a merchant Russia “é eternal” , a Jewish misfortune merchant “eternal” a spitting in the soup “é eternal” fran ç comfortable, odious reactionary “eternal “ that appears to have the poor aversion – all in one man – you Touillez barely and you get a perfect” fran ç ais strain “elected masterfully to Acacad emia fran ç ease . “the author of these lines, turned negationist and admirer of Faurisson, professed, for twenty years, to attend the Academy under different names, or Robert Robert Pick Spitzhacke.

Laferrière, Finkielkraut & amp; Cie ideological war to the French Academy

The turn has taken this election, we see, as comical as shocking?. And the list goes on. A poet blogger Yves Denis Delaporte, also listed. Probably to find housing: we recently read in the heading of miscellaneous West , said poet, an official of the Ministry of Education, s ‘had incurred the wrath of his superiors.

Urgently requested by the administrative court to release his official residence of Elisha-Mousnier College, the former manager, back to Cognac after a stay in Nice, book version of the story. “It was almost like I block the situation by malice. I was preparing my move to Rochefort, I said that I would leave on September 1″, strives he reassured. Emphasis should be given to the new manager, confined in a housing-Claude Bouchet college for a year and plagued by irate neighbors.

In short, soon the street was Delaporte says the Academy, it was always better than public housing.

At last, a young man of 15, Valentin Ogier, also come to file his candidacy. And save money! Schooled in Lamballe, he admitted that he had no chance, but explained want “to convey a message of optimism to prove that today’s youth is not lost and will not in the wall “.

as we see, the Academy became the office crying for idealists, misfits and malcontents of all kinds. Next time, we will be entitled to the poet pig breeder. No wonder, in any case, our green clothes grind black. To the point that some of them are now going door to door to try a few sizes. Jean d’Ormesson has he not there a few days, due to the retype from the actor Fabrice Luchini, stating that he would have a place at the academy?

Didier Jacob

Note: Olivier Mathieu tells us that it is not the author of the passage about Andrei Makine, which was signed by Jean-Pierre Fleury. It also wishes to state that, after having defended the revisionist theories of Faurisson, it is “remote” .

also Carassou Michel, president of the Association Fondane, informs us that this is another Michel Carassou which presents the Academy.

Result no surprise: Andrei Makine, a Russian writer to the French Academy


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