Friday, March 4, 2016

Politics series “Black Baron” is also “caricature” that pretends François Hollande? – Francetv info

The president is not a fan of Black Baron. “The series is not badly done, but caricature (…) This does not necessarily give a good image of politics” , regretted François Hollande, quoted by The Paris, Wednesday, March 3. With only 500,000 viewers for the last episode, the Canal + subscribers Nor have adhered to this fiction, very inspired by reality. While political series often flirt with fantasy, such as House of Cards , one of the screenwriters of Black Baron , Eric Benzekri did not hesitate to dip into reality to stage anecdotes and dirty stories. No wonder, the author is a former militant PS, near Julien Dray and Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

francetv info gives you four evidence in black Baron , everything was true or could be.

the “black Baron” was inspired by Julien Dray

series. the series opens with a dialogue between the member Rickwaert Philippe (played by Kad Merad), and the presidential candidate Francis Laugier (Niels Arestrup), just before the debate between the two rounds of the election. Cases in which they soak both bind inexorably, while feeding an ever more intense friendship-hate. doubtful financing parties, activists handling, weight of the North PS federation left divided mixture between private life and public life … Without giving further details of the plot, everything is credible. Only the accumulation effect suggesting caricature.

The reality. “The Black Baron is me. “ Quoted by Marianne , Julien Dray is proud to have inspired the character of the writer Philippe Rickwaert and is even a resemblance to the actor Kad Merad. “Could not make the connection when Philippe episode shows Rickwaert orchestrating behind the scenes of Student protests against the executive. Just as the fall of 1990, when Dray pulled the strings of a high school student movement against Michel Rocard “, says the weekly. Slate (beware spoilers!) explains in a lengthy analysis of how Philippe Rickwaert holds Julien Dray and this generation of politicians.

the France facing the European Union

series. President Francis Laugier defies the European Commission refusing to pay financial penalties. While trading with other member countries to ensure their support, he opposed an all-powerful Germany in the hope of obtaining the renegotiation of EU treaties. It does not tell you if it works or not.

The reality. Francois Hollande, elected in 2012, has tried to distance the historic Franco-German couple by delivering notably because the required austerity policy by Angela Merkel. But he failed to turn the tide, as explained The Tribune . About threats to European sanctions against France because of its deficit, Francois Hollande is well managed to achieve deadlines. But it was not until the showdown or rejection of European fiscal rules.

A very current sexism

series. “- What is it then, my strengths – You look beautiful.” By itself, this brief exchange between Amélie Dorendeu and Philippe summarizes Rickwaert sexism and paternalism of the politicians with their counterparts in black Baron . No matter it is a brilliant woman, énarque passed by the European Commission before being Advisor to the President of the Republic then propelled PS First Secretary.

The reality. There are countless sexist remarks to female politicians. Ministers reduced to their outfits, compared with “flowerpots” , cackles in the ranks of the Assembly … More recently, after an accident which earned him a short hospital stay, the Minister of Labour Myriam El Khomri wiped number of paternalistic remarks, in a real “macho dance” , noted by Libération and the Obs .

anecdotes air of déjà vu

series. “the left , It’s me.” While the government presents its major reform of Education, Philippe Rickwaert arrives to the National Assembly wearing a blue work to demand enhancement of vocational training.

the reality. the national Assembly remembers the communist deputy of the Oise Patrice Carvalho, who had his parliamentary session on June 12, 1997, a worker held . Newly elected, he wanted to show he was “the only parliamentarian from the working world” . Le Parisien says that this entry earned him jeers, including in his camp. “Fortunately it is not competitive swimmer, otherwise he would have come shirtless” , joked another Communist MP.

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