Monday, October 10, 2016

“The ambition of intimate”, the first issue of policy-affliction – Télé

” You are a dad tender ? “ ” I am not demonstrative “, , warns Nicolas Sarkozy. the ” Popopo-popopo, contradicts with authority Karine Le Marchand. what is It ? “ It holds up pretty cards for the children. ” It is words that I write “, admits the former president. ” It is not tenderness, is it ? “” If it is of tenderness. “” Yes, because it’s good : “My little loves”, “I love you”… “

And now, I cry. All this tenderness… It had to happen. the ” This issue is very dangerous ! “, claimed the host of M6 on Friday in an interview with Pure media. in ambition, intimate can even make you change your opinion, prevented it. I, for example, I do not know who to vote for — or to send an e-mail from the heart to become her suitor.

” Arnaud Montebourg and Aurélie Filippetti fell in love while they were both ministers. “love is in the government. the ” They are the parents of a little Jeanne, born in complicated circumstances. “I feel like I’m still going to cry. But no. ” You have a great sense of modesty, you are preserving your privacy a lot. To be happy, he must live hidden ? “” The pipolisation, it is a way to create a diversion “, persifle the guest, decided not to engage.

” Jeanne is born great to be premature, with a great deal of stress, anguish and suffering “, chips in the video to a friend of his was broadcast on the tablet aloft by Karine Le Marchand. She apitoie : ” Oh, I’m sorry. “Arnaud Montebourg has eyes all red. An excess of his great modesty, no doubt. ” But it is a trauma ? “ Yes. The second of the evening. I cry with Arnaud Montebourg.

” It’s beautiful, the relationship between you both because it has nothing to do politics. “Karine Le Marchand speaks of the relation of Bruno Lemaire with his wife, Pauline, who was his assistant parliamentary and that of his deputy with nothing to do policy because this is not the topic. the ” She loves you for you deeply. “” You’re going to make me cry “, , warns Bruno Lemaire. the ” She loves you deeply for who you are, repeats without mercy, his interviewer, and everybody agrees to say that it is your support the most foolproof. “ Bruno Lemaire has not lied to you, he weeps with Arnaud Montebourg and me.

small Navy has undergone a real stigma, at school, on the part of some teachers. the ” I find it mind-blowing, reacts Karine Le Marchand. the And this, you talk about it with him ? “” No, he considered that this was the life “… This is horrible!!! Poor little girl ! His torturer father indifferent to his misfortunes, and… ” You said to me : “I have not had education the hard way”, recalls Karine Le Marchand. the I can tell you that, to an outside eye, though, this is hard. “I cry about it. And his mother, and the forsaken !

And it becomes a single mother, as Karine Le Marchand at the moment, and sympathizes. the ” It must be complicated to enter into motherhood when you’re not his mom ? “Poor big girl deprived of her mother… ” And you had your sisters ? “” Of course, in the delivery room. “” No ? Your two sisters ? “” Yes, yes, and I was in theirs. “” But no ?! Oh, it is beeaauu… ” Yes, it is the apotheosis, the flow of my tears, reached its maximum in the evening. Finally, when the Marine says that she would not object to see one of his children to marry a muslim, despite all she has suffered in her life, I want to throw myself in his arms. So much she has not spoken to Louis Aliot. It may be free ?

Karine Le Marchand has kept its promise. the ” I believe that the dédiabolisation of the national Front is necessary, she said in Pure media. the It takes the attack, as the other parties, on his program and his ideas. But, that is not my role to do so. “ Its role is limited to the dédiabolisation. The program and the ideas, ” there are political journalists for it.”

For example, Eric Zemmour. I knew him to be ousted of i-Télé (which he prefers to Jean-Marc Morandini), I had no idea that he had been hired by BFMTV. Monday, October 3, it decrypts the Qur’an in 19h Ruth Elkrief. Saturday, October 8, always 19 hours, and it is he who carries out the exegesis of the week in 7 days BFM. Without a doubt he was hired to compensate for the arrival of a writer located more to the left, Christophe Barbier, filched by BFMTV to i-Tele.

about Christophe Barbier… That is what I have discovered ? He is not an editorialist only on BFMTV, he was also recruited by France Televisions ! Monday, October 3, on France 5, it full in a C in the air titled ” Montebourg defies Holland “ — a freelance regular. But on Sunday 9 October, the here is on France 2, he deciphers the primary to the right to Laurent Delahousse in 13: 15 on Sunday.

sister BFMTV, France 2 has taken care to compose a tray balanced. The editorial director of The Express is surrounded by the Anna Cabana, the, JDD, , and Franz-Olivier Giesbert, France Télévisions, a faithful public service. Here’s at least one that does not change creamery to make butter in his spinach. The previous Monday, it was on France 3 that he serves the soup in Juppé, the risen one. Like all good psychopolitologues, he asked him : ” Is it that the French are not looking for a father of the nation ? “, Or a mother, of course. In this case, Nicolas Sarkozy, Bruno Lemaire, Arnaud Montebourg and Marine Le Pen are well placed. M6 showed us that they and she were very good fathers and mothers.

pera of the nation, I’m all for that. the ” You’re a little all my children “said the moderator of the’ambition, intimate for candidates for the position. If one of them is elected(e), Karine Lemarchand will therefore be my grand-mother. I’m still going to cry.


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